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"Partners in Crime" 

Reaction Highlights Linkhttps://vimeo.com/492919038/e9c43579ab


Episode Synopsis: With a new weight-loss pill tested in London by Adipose Industries, The Doctor goes to investigate the sinister truth behind the product... only to find out that his old friend Donna Noble is investigating as well!!


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Doctor WHo 4x1 STREAM [re-up]

This is "Doctor WHo 4x1 STREAM [re-up]" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Arifur R


Reggie B

they might have been spoiled to donnas return, but i can think of one moment this ep theyll be shocked by ❤

Toasted Toad

LOL - be afraid, be very afraid! We are not afraid of giving our opinions! :) Love this episode, and it improves on every viewing (except for the dodgy extras)! I confess, I wasn't happy when I found out they were bringing Catherine Tate back, as I'd found her to be a bit of a harpie before, her performance very strident and one note. But this episode completely changed my mind. I don't agree with you saying they 're-wrote' her character, although you backed off from that original statement a bit on consideration. She is the same woman, but a year more mature, understanding that she wants more out of life than a husband and a boring job - she knows what's out there and wants to see it. What was really different was the chemistry with the Doctor. This time she wasn't complaining at him the whole time. She understood a lot more about who (and what) he was. And most importantly, they set out their mission statement - Donna is not going to pine after the Doctor!! This is a mature woman. not a girl with a crush. The Doctor's relationship with Rose was so different, so special, but this is its own thing, not the pale imitation that Martha was. Of course, you'll have to wait to find out about Rose. No spoilers. Really looking forward to you watching Season 4. Hoping you'll have a blast. I think the improved visuals might just be technological development. Programmes were moving from film to digital (Doctor Who was released same year as SPN, and there was a marked upgrade in the visuals in Season 4 there too). They probably had more budget too, but the BBC does not have a lot of money to throw around (they're too busy paying millions to reality TV presenters)

Toasted Toad

Just one thing nags at me - Foster says they have a million customers, yet the Doctor and Donna both ask for a print off of the list and apparently walk away with only a few pages each. Somehow, I don't think you can fit a million names and addresses on a few pages! 😂😂


You'd liked this one!!!!! Yeah me too, it's a whole lot of fun. A lot of fab eps in this series.


There should be a way for Handbrake the footage without cropping the top and bottom. I believe it's Dimensions > Cropping - Custom > 0, 0, 0, 0. Or: Dimensions > Size > Then match with source.

Gabriel Rodrigues dos Santos

In my personal experience, there are no consensus in the Doctor Who fandom about anything, fans are gonna disagree in at least one episode. I love this episode. It is funny, not only the dialogue, but the music and the way situations are shot all make this a great episode. And of course the chemistry between David Tennant and Catherine Tate, one of my favorite Doctor Who duos

Henry from CO

"Donna Noble, Health and Safety"


My favourite series and my favourite companion. I cannot wait!!

Reggie B

i always assumed the salespeople printed off the list of people they had personally sold to?