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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Patron-O-Jects!

And a new month means another revolving door of weekly Q&A Podcasts for Patreon!

As always - if you're new, then WELCOME!!!  And if you've been here for at least a month, you know the drill!  👍🏼


If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave your question in the comment box below :)


We'll take a few questions every week and make a PODCAST out of it - Time Stamps for each individual question - AKA the Topics YOU have chosen for us - will be listed in the description box.


LINK TO ALL DECEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=December%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast



lewis is your patron

What’s you’re greatest or most memorable Christmas surprise? Because we all have gifts we know we’re getting, but what are the ones you never knew were coming and were better than anything you could have expected? Also Merry Christmas guys. This year has been super rough, so here’s hoping a little bit of festive spirit can cheer us up for the last few weeks of this shit show.

Anisa Oliva

What have learned from this past year and do you think y’all have grown a lot as person since you both turned 30 this year? much love to guys and the happiness you have brought to this sucky ass year💗 thank y’all

Gene Geter

Hey RR boys! Why is it every time you guys are about to watch one of my videos, John always has this "what you got Gene" look on his face or sometimes, he says something to that effect? Asking because I am curious and it is hella funny. Thanks.

Mimi M

Favorite Christmas song and favorite Christmas movie?

Flev Dorin

Hi guys! There are alot of classic Christmas/Holidays films airing for the bajillion year in a row this time of year, but what are some good Christmas films that don't get the same repeat value that you'd recommend? maybe a good Hallmark film, as I'm not ashamed to say I like those. Like to preface what I mean by "Christmas film": a film who's plot revolves around the magic of Christmas (love, family, happiness), and not a action film that happens during Dec 25😜. Cheers guys and Happy Holidays!

Bradley Bledsoe

What are some of your favorite Holiday special(s) to watch around this time of year? My personal favorite is Ed Edd N Eddy’s Jingle Jingle Jangle! I wish you both a happy holidays and happy new year! Here’s to 2021!

Elle B.

What’s a christmas movie everyone seems to love, except for you?


Merry Christmas guys! In light of the holiday, what Christmas special would you guys think could use another sequel? Any franchise counts too

Chase Gardner

If you could do a commentary on a Christmas movie or replay your favorite scene from memory and recreate it in the room your in now which Christmas scene will it be?

Sarah Campbell

Your life is a movie, what songs play during the opening and closing credits?

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

What is your perfect Christmas? I’m talking perfect Christmas dinner (and dessert) , wake up time, breakfast, movie/tv show tradition, who is there with you, dream gifts etc (personally think it’s a crime to not have pigs in blankets, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes or cauliflower cheese included in the dinner). Also what is a Christmas tradition that your family does without fail every year? Thanks for making this year better for everyone, thanks for being you and thanks for the hard work you both put in day in day out 💜 hoping that you all have a wonderful Christmas and here’s to a better year next year (can’t be any worse than this one to be fair 😂) xx

marc leech

merry Christmas guys! what Christmas films do you feel are overrated and underrated?

Deonte W. (TonguePunchFartBox)

Pitch a Christmas special for any franchise of your choosing. Oh and thank you Greg for mentioning that Sia Christmas album. Never heard of it until you mentioned it. "Ho ho ho" has been added to my daily playlist.

Maria Hammon

May we know Greg and John’s shirt sizes?

Scott Severin

If you guys had to come up with a new holiday in place of Christmas, what would it be called and what new traditions would you guys celebrate? Happy Holidays to you all!