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Howdy, Patron-O-Jects!!  

Got one more batch of inquiries before the month his out.  TIME STAMPS listed below as always, and don't forget to keep a lookout next week for the JUNE Q&A SUBMISSIONS POST!!!

Jonathan Cassel - (0:41) |  With the MK11 drop recently thought I'd ask What's your fav MK game? Who's your Fav Character? What Guest char would u put into MK (if u didn't know Kruger/Jason/Leather/Alien/Predator have bin in) bonus - make up a fatality with your fav character or your Guest choice 🤔

Chase Gardner - (6:14) |  If you had a choice between these video games to make into a live action movie or TV show which one will you choose - God of war, The last of us, uncharted games, Spiderman PS4, Asssassin's Creed origins or Assassin's Creed Odyssey, or red dead redemption 2? Or do u have a favorite game you guys want as a movie or TV show? I am replaying assassin's Creed Odyssey right now before the new assassin's Creed game come out. I want someone to retry making assassin's Creed into a live action tv show.

Deonte W. (TonguePunchFartBox) - (15:18) |  If you had complete control over a franchise and an unlimited budget, which would you take over? MCU (Spidey & friends included)? DCEU? Harry Potter? LOTR? How would your version of these franchises be different? Casting choices? You can choose something other than those btw. Love you guys! Keep up the great content  

Ryan Batey (DarthYoda066) - (25:46) |  If we as a species were to send an updated version of the Golden record on the Voyager spacecraft, what images, music, pieces of culture, technology, fun stuff would you want on it? Either joke or serious answer or both. Bearing in mind it would be the first contact with possible aliens 😂 also do you think we will ever be able to travel to said Aliens in the future? Personally I would say yes for the reasons I listed on discord 👌


May 2020 Q&A Podcast #4


Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

I’ve sent you a huge paragraph on discord answering your question about what I said on discord, it also answers your other questions about what’s actually on the voyager etc also Greg don’t worry you don’t sound crazy, literally no one knows whether they are or not so someone saying they aren’t can’t be completely sure either.


Hey haha, I like the way you think! Part of me feels like there's no way to be completely sure unless they literally show up lol.. Definitely gonna have to take some time out to catch up over on Discord, but appreciate you taking the time!!

Chase Gardner

Since streaming services are big now and the HBO max just came out, should there be a streaming service in the future just for a video game adaptations I wonder if one will start up in the future with just a God of war show and Assassin's Creed show or just have them be on HBO max if the last of us tv show is successful. I hope the last of us tv show is really good.

Jonathan Cassell

BTW (Cassell is Castle) anyway, agreed the latest is usually the best and nice vid guys vary cool stuff said👍 I'm a Subzero fan myself and Lu is not bad i don't mind him but Sheeva is great really like the new look. The iron Giant idea sounded hilarious but him being used in a stage fatality would be cooler then as a playable one idk kinda ridiculous lol but Ash he is by far the top choice people want in 11 I do believe he was supposed to be in the game already idk it didn't happen (yet) reason I say this is because on the mk11 website they have a list of all the TMs and there company's ex. the mk logo the dragon plus Spawn/ToddMcfarlane and Joker/DC and then I saw Ash* from "Army of Darkness" was there listed I couldn't believe it but it was removed later so it's a mystery for now. I don't mind Ash the movies are so bad there good to me anyway but he does fit well enough in the Mk universe so 🤞🤞 and wait and see.


Back in the late '70's, when I was a very little girl, my dad moved us out to Ridgecrest, CA for a few years. He landed a job at China Lake NWC working for an aerospace company contracted by the DOD. Sometimes he'd be gone for a week here and there, too. It wasn't until many years later that we had a chat that I knew what he actually did during that time. The Carter administration was the first to start the original secret space program (which is what it is called on his resume), and Regan gave it the fun name (Star Wars) for optics. Those weeks he was gone..? Groom Lake Facility. While he never got into specifics, what he did say was this, "Star Wars was never just about space weapons against the USSR. Hell no. We had a deal with those people. This wasn't about continuity of government. It was about continuity of HUMANITY. Because they knew what was out there, and they had us try to back engineer pieces of equipment we were told was stolen from the Soviet's. But believe me, no Soviet made that tech. And it came from somewhere." When I asked about aliens, all he said was "When Regan spoke at the UN about alien threats unifying the world, it wasn't theoretical. I have seen and done a lot..I've had clearances that gave me access to things no one would ever think existed. But the worst part is knowing how the world could change overnight...ending all the problems that ever plagued us. And having to keep that a secret" If he were still living, I know he wouldn't have kept the secrets.