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"The Parting of the Ways"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/421809155/ad6b964f88

REVIEW Begins At:  50 min 09 seconds

Episode Synopsis: As the Dalek fleet begin their attack on the Earth, the Doctor and his allies make one final stand...


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WHO 1x13

This is "WHO 1x13" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


George Baxter

Im so confused, why is the watch along just a link to the highlights?? where is the full episode??


The links the wrong way round lol you've probably found that by now

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

To answer your question John, channel four is probably the strictest when it comes to swearing etc every other channel it’s pretty much do whatever the hell you want 😂 but yeah this is the last we see ecclestone in any dr who related content as of now, which is sad because he’s great and I’m holding out hope he eventually comes back in some shape or form whether it’s even just an audiobook or a special etc And yeah (the popular rumour was) ecclestone and the main show runners had a falling out and didn’t see eye to eye on how the show should be. I believe Chris wasn’t a fan of how lighthearted and giddy the Doctor was and he wanted the show and his performance to be darker and they didn’t comply so he walked. As Toasted Toad explains that wasn’t actually the case. And yeah regeneration is a bugger, it never gets any easier and you always hate the new person for an episode or two and then by the time they come to regenerate you are bawling your eyes out because you don’t want them to go. And then rinse and repeat. And yeah for more Captain Jack I’d recommend watching the first season of Torchwood at some point before the end of season three as the end of that season of Torchwood is pretty much seconds before the first part of the three part finale of season 3. But yeah I think I mentioned it a while back the scene where jack kisses both rose and the doctor is great as I think in total by 2005 there had been about 10 lgbt kisses on screen most of which were played for laughs or for completely the wrong reasons, but this one just shows Jack loving both Rose and the Doctor equally and doesn’t try to play it for laughs but treats it with respect and let’s the scene have that emotion. Also remember do not under any circumstances watch through the credits on the Christmas episodes or the first episodes as they often have a trailer for the next season which often contains spoilers (especially season 10) I look forward to you loving Tennant as much as me 😂

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Also as I’ve been giving my rankings as we’ve been going through this, this is my personal fav episode followed by Dalek then Father’s Day then The Doctor Dances

Susan Binks

Eccleston has said he didn't have a positive experience making the show. Apparently he had a problem with the way some of the crew were being treated and felt they were being bullied so he decided to leave part way through the first series.

Toasted Toad

Okay, so I have the patience of a gnat and watched your comments, despite being sick as a very sick thing. The reason for not swearing is that both Doctor Who and BB (or parts of it) are broadcast pre-watershed, so language should be ‘clean’ for kids. Actually, it IS illegal not to have a TV license unless you don’t have a TV (or watch licensed TV via mobile device) in the House. Obviously not a capital crime, but I think you can get fined £1,000. Like Ryan says, regeneration is always hard on the audience. You never want the current doctor to go, don’t want to watch the new doctor, get all grumpy, but a few episodes in to the new season you get used to it. So far, all the new era doctors have been great, bringing their own take to it. New Doctor casting is often announced weeks in advance with much excitement and articles in newspapers etc. Got to contradict Ryan on a second piece of trivia - the reason for Ecclestone leaving. He didn’t dispute the writing or want the Doctor to be darker, less funny, it’s just that he was a bit unsure whether he was doing well as he wasn’t familiar with doing comedy. That was not the reason he left. RR DO NOT READ FURTHER. The truth is less fun, so not everyone might want to know. There was a dispute, but it was personal. He felt there was bullying going on, especially to younger cast and crew, and would not tolerate it. That’s why he has refused to have anything to do with the programme again, including coming back for the 50th. He kept silent about this for a long time, although there were rumours. He has come out publicly about it now. I haven’t heard anything bad since, only talk of a happy set, so hopefully whatever it was ceased on his leaving. Oh, and long scarf was the 4th doctor

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Technically it’s only illegal if you are watching live tv or bbc iPlayer, but yeah I stand corrected 👍 and I didn’t know that with Chris as I say what I said was just what I’ve heard for years but yeah that does make me feel a lot more sympathetic for Chris, sucks that it was like that x

Toasted Toad

That’s the bugger. It’s illegal even if you don’t watch. Having a TV is enough.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

They should feckin abolish it, it’s a shite law and if you aren’t watching bbc programs why should we have to pay £150 a year it’s ridiculous

Toasted Toad

I think it should only be in there once now. I mistakenly first posted it as a reply to you, whereas I meant to comment directly to the RR

Toasted Toad

Agree that you should only have to pay if you watch. But the benefits are ad-free programmes and ones that aren't controlled so much by mainstream commerce. So I'm torn - I think the Beeb still gives great stuff that we don't get elsewhere, but it requires people to pay who should not have to.


Before you watch next episode,please react to Born Again Children in need 2005 Doctor Who minisode.


This was a pretty great season and a real emotional ending. For a lot of people, their first Doctor is THEIR Doctor so it's totally understandable if Eccleston is the definitive Doctor for you guys. My first Doctor was Ten (David Tennant) but he is not really my favorite or my definitive so I'm a bit different. My favorite Doctors are tied and are ones you guys haven't seen yet so I won't go into it until you get there. Eccleston's Ninth Doctor was pretty damn special though so I def get your emotions at the end. It's hard to let go of a Doctor sometimes but I think you get used to it eventually. Change is just part of the DW journey.

Toasted Toad

I think we should play a little guessing game on which Doctor is going to be the RR favourite. Care to put some fictional money down?


Sounds like fun but I gotta say that I'm terrible at guessing things like this. Still...if I had to guess and if we're sticking to New Who Doctors, I think they'll really get kick out of Ten but ultimately I'd wager that Twelve will really do it for them. It'll be really interesting if the guys have different favs tho. Idk...idk...

Jason Usher

great reaction to the whole season, & trust me this is nothing when talking about the emotional rollercoaster, but I was right ther with you guys teary eyed even though i've seen it over a dozen times

Henry from CO

Christopher Eccleston Returns as the Ninth Doctor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliKVpAq-Dc

Egor Kireev

Okay, looks like video went missing. Don't know if anyone will read this., but maybe you have a working link?


Just joined the patreon because I've watched your reactions on YouTube for a while and I've been missing doctor who, and I've gotta say I am not disappointed. Your guys' reactions always hit all the beats I want you to focus on, which is so satisfying, and your review at the end always brings up something about the show that I had never considered before, which was surprising considering how many times I've watched this show haha Thank you guys so much for your in depth and sincere reaction to one of my favorite shows, excited to catch up to where you are now and see how you like the rest of it!