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Favorite Time-Travel Plots, Films that BEST Convey Their Messages, Casts We'd Swap, and FAVORITE POKÉMON?!?


[0:35] Christopher Simeon: What is your favorite type of time travel plot. (Ex. Going into the past,future or someone coming from the future or something else.)  Bonus question. When would you rather timetravel to. Past or Future?

[8:06] David Gandy: What films or franchises do you feel were the most successful in imparting their message or story through effective scrip and direction both to audiences in general and to you personally? (Whether you agreed with the message or not)

[19:53] David Waterhouse:  If you could switch the entire cast of any movie, for another entire cast of any movie, which movies (animated or live action etc) would you choose? Subsequently feel free to disclose which cast members would take certain roles and why? 

[27:25] Jonathan Cassell:  With how my last question was answered we are going go with...      Can you name the original 150 pokémon....lol jk 😆 --  My Q. is what are your guy's fav6 Pokémon there are 807🤯 to choose from enjoy. -- Me: Lapras, Dragon Air, Gardevoir,Vulpix,Chikorita, Salazzle Extra(Legendary:Articuno).   Bonus Q: did u like the pokémon movie do u want to see another?


HUGE THANKS to everyone who submitted questions & gave us some fun stuff to talk about this month.  Keep your eyes peeled over the next few days for the MAY 2020 Q&A POST!!!


Final APRIL Q&A 2020


Jonathan Cassell

That was fun Greg and John thanks guys liked your responses and the pokémon! It is a bummer I goofed my Q a lil so maybe I'll save for next time tho might have a better Q well see but still thanks again👍btw Ivysaur was mid for Bulb.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:47:01 Aw haha, glad to hear that, man! Didn't notice a goof on this end, but feel free to follow up when the next Q&A post is live! And god haha IVYSAUR!!! I'm surprised we weren't able to catch it. 😅 Gotta go back & drill the PokéRap again!!!
2020-05-04 23:02:00 Aw haha, glad to hear that, man! Didn't notice a goof on this end, but feel free to follow up when the next Q&A post is live! And god haha IVYSAUR!!! I'm surprised we weren't able to catch it. 😅 Gotta go back & drill the PokéRap again!!!

Aw haha, glad to hear that, man! Didn't notice a goof on this end, but feel free to follow up when the next Q&A post is live! And god haha IVYSAUR!!! I'm surprised we weren't able to catch it. 😅 Gotta go back & drill the PokéRap again!!!