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Hi Patron-O-Jects! 

We do our best for full transparency here with everyone.  This is the CURRENT Upload Times for both the Watch Along & Highlights. Generally we aim to have these up by 3-3:30 on Saturday afternoons. We started these uploads about an hour ago but hopefully this picks up. (Quarantine Internet Usage lol)

We were about to shoot the Reaction for this episode yesterday but something occurred right before we began that ultimately delayed us. I explain the situation at the beginning of the video - would appreciate it if you would listen to the whole thing. If you follow me on Instagram you probably already know why.

Regardless, these are the current times for when they're done uploading & need time for upload to Process but we are ready to make it LIVE once it's done.

Thank you for your patience & understanding.



Brian Lacock

Thanks for the heads up guys! 🙏 we appreciate you and your hard work

Steve Rivera

How dare you guys not be perfect in every way, shape or form. Disappointed tbh.


Yes, sir! Of course, sir! So sorry, sir! WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN, sir! ...oh god, I think I'm just gonna commit seppuku..