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"The End"

Reaction Highlights Link:  https://vimeo.com/409304968/a3a1e2a8ff

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 46 min &  47 seconds

Episode Synopsis: Dean gets a glimpse of the future in which humans have been infected with a demonic virus that turns them into zombies...


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 5x4 "THE END" Watch Along



The toilet paper line has aged so well.


That set was from the movie “Watchmen,” so y’all were on the right track ☺️ GREG, deepest sympathy about Ricky. I know how the loss of any pet hurts. You’re a mensch for saving him and giving him his best life in his circumstances.

XxMalfunctionxX X

My computer won't let me edit and than erased my comment dammit. Finally caught up with you just in time for one of my favorite eps! this season has so many great ones I can't wait for you to see:) I don't have much to say but will add two fun facts: 1- in the scene where Dean is running from the Croats, Jensen was running so fast they apparently couldn't catch up with him so had to do reshoots lol 2- the episode has definitly led to many fanfics in End!Verse, though as far as I've seen, most of them are Destiel fics LOL thanks for the reaction guys! can't wait for more:) Also, watching this right now really does feel more relevant than ever. Especially the toilet paper hoarding part.


I was excited for this one. Great reaction, thanks again. I really appreciate the nuances you guys pick up on - not just the story, but film making and acting side of things as well. Side note...I don't think it's all that important, but just clarify ... I believe Zachariah didn't make up the world in It's a Terrible Life: "Real place, real haunting. Just plunked you in the middle without the benefit of your memories."

Janet Shearer

Ever since the Covid crap started, the fandom has been saying that Chuck was right! 😆. The other favorite line is Lucifer saying, “I win, so I win.” I love that whole scene. I really like Jared’s performance, so much so that I’d watched it several times before I realized Jensen was crying in the scene. One of my favorite episodes. Glad you liked it.

Elle B.

So sorry to hear about little Rick. Losing pets is never easy. But you guys took great care of him while he was living and that’s what matters! ❤️ Another great reaction! Love Sam as Lucifer in this one.

Steve Rivera

Sorry about your squirrel :( And glad you guys did end up liking this one! I was a but worried since last season, episode 4 was also time travel, but to the past. That episode was named "In the Beginning". This episode was called "The End." Also, last episode we talked about how everything seems to be coming together. Things just start falling into place from many of the seasons. Croatoan is another one. At the end of the season 2 Croatoan episode, it's revealed that one of the survivors was a demon, and they were doing test runs with the virus. Took 3 seasons but now we see the endgame. And on that note yeah I liked Greg's point about how the virus is just a tool here. There's still a big target. A boss. Unlike a regular virus movie or show. The virus is just the backdrop to a more serious entity at the center. And yes, with such grand characters a lot of the times the little subtle emotional scenes are what make this show stand out. For example, the "Dead or Alive" scene back when Dean was scared about going to hell, and him and Sam are singing Bon Jovi in the car. How you see the fear creep in on Jensen's performance. And those moments aren't lost to the fans so Greg dont worry about it sounding weird. They're there and many small moments like that are often remembered by the community. The scene with Sam possessed as Lucifer gave me chilled first time I watched it. We know the stakes are high, but seeing the consequences really makes am impact. As show watchers, the consequences of an apocalypse level event aren't THAT crazy to imagine. So the show went out there and wanted to show how, in a world where a LITERAL apocalypse can happen, how their take would be. But more than that. The consequences for Sam and Dean. Seeing a darker Dean is bad enough, but not too surprising. They're leading up the big one, and that's Sam. And to see what would happen to him is the biggest cause for alarm when it comes to the show. The apocalypse is bad and is rightfully treated as an overwhelmingly terrible thing that needs to he stopped, specially by the characters. But to me it seems the show is also aware that audiences aren't strangers to apocalypses, and for both the characters and the audience, we needed to see this future. I might've gone off on a tangent a bit but yeah such a cool scene, brilliantly played by Jared and Dean. Lucifer making his plea to Dean. Dean not buying it. And LuciSams reaction to Dean's outburst. Just perfect. An emotionally explosive climax that didn't have a moment of action. Like I said last week, one of my favorite episodes for sure. Next episode all I'll say is try hard not to look at the credits. It's not a big surprise or anything but it probably would be more fun if you guys avoid reading them. They eventually catch on to this particular complaint and avoid putting surprises on the initial credits. It takes them a bit longer than it should've tbh lol


I'm sorry about Ricky, Greg. I know you did your best. I appreciate that you have a life that goes on around these reactions, so no worries on any of that bleeding into these videos. We've all been there. Supernatural is one of the shows I go to when I need to escape. It's like a comfort food show for me. I'm glad you enjoyed this episode. I'm sure you can understand why it's a fan favorite. So many goodies. Jared did an amazing job. It's easy to underappreciated his talents, but I've always said that Sam is a tough character to play. And you've seen how Jared is now in real life, so him playing Sam really is a show of talent, isn't it? lol Jensen has said that this episode was pretty hard to do, because he wasn't actually playing against himself, but across from his stunt double. Who definitely cannot act. He said that he was feeling a bit proud of himself until he saw the scene with Jared as Lucifer. He knew then that Jared had stolen the show right there. Didn't matter that Jared was off, down in Hawaii, for most of the shooting, enjoying himself while Jensen was filming in Vancouver. It was nice hearing him talk about this episode and hear about how well he thought Jared had done. That's all I'll say. I'm sure others will tell you anything else worth saying. Cheers and take care!

Toasted Toad

Oh no, my comment has disappeared! Drat! Now I've got to try to remember what I wrote. Great reaction to a superb episode. Really glad you liked this one. (Love the scene with Dean trying to outrun the Croats. Remember me joking about the Doctor Who slow running scenes? Well, this is kinda the opposite!) Jensen has said he was so pissed off with Jared's scene stealing performance as Samifer after all the difficulties of his dual Present/Future Dean performance. But I think both of them turned in stunning performances in that scene. Jared making a great choice in playing it straight - no Dr Evil, twirling mustache interpretation of Lucifer. Impeccable timing in his unhurried "we will always end up... here" speech. (I think Jared has improved out of all recognition as an actor since Season 1). And Dean crying out of frustration, anger, horror, and most of all, seeing Lucifer in his brother's body. 😭😭 And Cas still getting those fan-favourite one liners in. Such a timely episode too - hoard toilet paper indeed! I'm sorry to hear things have been tough for you, Greg. It's hard on a lot of us, taking one hit after another. I do hope things improve all round.

Reggie B

yea but he did it to teach dean a lesson, and same here, its about trying to teach him something lol

Toasted Toad

And both times, he has received a big F U from Dean. Will he never learn?

Reggie B

Ok so i havent read all the other comments on this vid yet so i hope im not too repetitive lol Love that satan bothers to wear an all white pimp suit during the apocalypse. How does he keep it clean? Jensen has said he hated having to act against himself and he basically told kripke “dont ever make me do that again.” still incredible acting!!! And yea no mustache or eye patch to differentiate the two physically If i had to pick one fav scene of the whole show, its the scene in the garden. The lightning, the wind you can see picking up, its like, perfect ambiance to this convo w the lord of all darkness. The performances are incredible, to me it really feels of biblical proportions To me, the scariest thing about lucifer in this show is how sure of himself he is. What he told sam last episode, “youll let me in, im sure of it” “youre wrong” “im not” like how do you argue with that?? And here, “we will always end up here. I win, so i win.” he doesnt give them a choice, just straight tells them this is whats going to happen. and to me thats really frightening. (Idk if im explaining myself well here lol, if that makes sense?) And John was right on when he said lucifer was sincere, thats exactly how he comes off as. Much love to you guys <3 <3 <3


I keep saying that all the people who have been hoarding toilet paper during covid-19 are the Supernatural fans who remember Chuck's warning in this episode.


Aww, RIP Ricky. :( I had a pet squirrel named Rocky when I was a kid, that we took in after his mother died when he was a baby, so I can understand how attached you guys got to yours. This is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series (written by the brilliant Ben Edlund). I think Jensen, Jared, and Misha all nailed their scenes here, and it really does show how dire the situation is for both Sam and Dean at this point. What happens if either of them say yes? What happens if both never say yes? So many questions. All they know is that they don't want it to end up like it does in the future version this episode shows. So they choose to make their own future, but can they?


Thanks so much, Sarah 💙 still feeling his absence into this week, but I know Greg & Olivia were especially happy to have had the time they did get with him. Was such a joy to see him learn about his surroundings.. and no way!! Haha where’d it show up in Watchmen??


Aw, bummer!! Glad you were able to get one thru here eventually tho - and that you caught up just in time! This was a HELL of an episode!!! Appreciate the fun facts as well :) cracks me up pretty good to hear that, even under normal circumstances, Jensen’s too fast for the Croats 😂 gotta be funny doing reshoots so you can slow down lol. And god, I guess I’d definitely believe that... especially the Destiel part 😅 I can almost see the lines about Double Deans sweating & throbbing reluctantly as Cas lured them into some kind of toilet paper orgy lol. Someday we’re gonna have to go down a fanfic hole for something..


Aw, no problem!! Really happy you’re enjoying :) these are such a joy to break down & discuss. We do our best to make it worth everyone’s while that way. And that’s a good clarifier, appreciate it! I can actually almost hear Zach delivering the line lol. Plunking poor Dean in & our of realities. I doubt he will ever learn - man’s too used to that corporate life 😅


Hahahaha I can definitely see that. Surprised there aren't more T-shirts popping up about it lol. And YES! God, I was not expecting that sort of confrontation in episode 4, but yeah.. LuciferSam was such a wonderfully heart-fraying touch. Took me a moment as well to realize Jensen was tearing up, but god he played that scene terrifically too. I think this'll definitely wind up on our list of highlights.


Thanks, love 💙 it means a lot. Still taking some time to process things over here, but yeah - grateful for the time & experience we did get to spend with him, especially Greg & Olivia. And even though this was a HEAVY episode by all counts, it was nice to have such a great weekend of episodes to break down as a distraction. Lucifer Sam was something else!! Broke my heart to see Dean tearing up as the literal Devil talks to him through his brother 😰

Matthew Cronin

I'm a little late on this but I love Lucifer's smile when he talks to Dean. Dean is trying so hard to be brave and strong and challenge him, and Lucifer just smiles like he's adorable. "Aw he thinks he's people." Brilliant.


Reluctantly? 🤣 maybe sometimes but in general I think there is enthusiasm, and sometimes a lady is added to the mix. 🤭😏

Dr. Foppo

I love your hatred for Zachariah :D It's an understandable, human reaction to something like him - from a subjective point of view. But holistically speaking, he's still "fighting the good fight". He's just being a dick about it :D And why wouldn't he be a dick, talking to humans. He isn't human, is thousands of years old...and hasn't even spent those millennia on planet earth. Humans, individually, wouldn't mean anything to something like him. And even "hundreds of millions" are acceptable losses to generals of an almost cosmic war that they are waging. It isn't even that out of line with heaven because...if mass casualties were an issue, they'd prevent a lot of shit that goes on here on earth, wouldn't they? The "heroic" alliance that defeated the nazis did also commit war crimes during WW2. I doubt all their generals were nice guys I want to have a drink with. But even if they were all dicks, I'd still want them to get their way if the alternative is to let the Nazis win. Heaven allowed Lucifer out of the cage because they want to kill him. Now he's free but Heaven is missing their weapon. So it makes sense for an angel to try and force Dean to be the weapon they need. Yeah, they're dicks. And not particularly considerate of humans. But they are not evil or even necessarily wrong. They are right from their pov. You certainly rather have them win then the other side. Because we saw in this episode what it would look like if the other side won. Whether it was really the future or just a fake made up scenario by Zachariah...if Lucifer really won, the world would be doomed one way or another. So...holistically speaking, when it comes down to it, we probably shouldn't be all too anti-heaven just because a couple of angels are dicks.