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"Wish x and x Promise"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/403816082/d9cc0089e8

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT:  23 mins & 53 seconds

Episode Synopsis: The Phantom Troupe is Kurapika's most hated enemy...  Five years ago, they took his relatives and friends, along with their scarlet eyes..  In his search for retribution, Kurapika encounters his next phase in the Hunter Exam..




Hunter x 3 x 1 STREAM


Ryan H

tiny spoiler but for reasons that arent explained yet others cant see is scarlet eyes at the moment. Right now when they turn scarlet its for the audience.


It always bugs me when people "call out" reactors for not reacting too hard. it encourages people to overreact on purpose, instead of showing their genuine thoughts, which is the whole point. On another note, I bet you guys will enjoy this season. IMO the point is coming where HxH really starts to ramp up the quality


Greg talking about this filthy , poverty ridden backdrop with Kurapika being very clean and shiny , thats a good catch . I think its very intentional due to how Kurapika character is , as we know it vs the world hes getting into. Also all the nen explainig , lol , I am glad they barely touched it on that . I remember you guys sorta wanted to see Kurapika and Leorio discovering nen n shit , before all the info dumps in previous heavens arena arc. hahaha. As for this ep , i feel it was a good set up episode and re establishing Kurapika as a character . Some new music is also very welcome . I cant say much more about this arc , lol. Everyone that watched hxh know whats up .


Oh damn! Yeah, that information does help a lot haha. I was a bit perplexed by the fact that Basho... didn't really seem to care lol. Will keep that in mind!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:49:38 Yeah, that's a good point! It's odd to feel that pressure going into certain videos. It affects us all in some way, I'd imagine, but we always do our best to be open & genuine with what comes out. Excited to see what the season has in store, though! Actually just shot the next ep. this afternoon. Some pretty awesome stuff with Kurapika so far, excited to drop it!
2020-04-09 00:18:58 Yeah, that's a good point! It's odd to feel that pressure going into certain videos. It affects us all in some way, I'd imagine, but we always do our best to be open & genuine with what comes out. Excited to see what the season has in store, though! Actually just shot the next ep. this afternoon. Some pretty awesome stuff with Kurapika so far, excited to drop it!

Yeah, that's a good point! It's odd to feel that pressure going into certain videos. It affects us all in some way, I'd imagine, but we always do our best to be open & genuine with what comes out. Excited to see what the season has in store, though! Actually just shot the next ep. this afternoon. Some pretty awesome stuff with Kurapika so far, excited to drop it!


Ah, nice!! It definitely highlights the contrast with him, love those types of more-subtle visual metaphors. And yeah hahaha, as cool as it would've been to see how everyone picks it up... I don't think either of us was too bummed to jump ahead a little at that point 😅 I always love comments like that haha ("...can't say more, but everyone who's seen it knows what's up"). Makes for a fun sort of... surprise party feel? I dunno how to describe it, but it's got my anticipation going. Really enjoying getting a little Kurapika time in after all this. Just shot the next one this afternoon!!