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Happy weekend, Patron-O-Jects!!

Hope y'all are keeping healthy out there!  Today we've got a trio of questions dedicated to bests & favorites...  TIME CODES are as follows:

0:22 (Edgaras Sabaliauskas) - Favorite Denis Villeneuve film?  And why is it Sicario

6:51 (Feather_Noir) - Who is your favorite composer (film or tv) and if they wrote the soundtrack for your life, what track of their's would be your theme song?

16:41 (Jani Salminen) - What are some of your favorite sitcoms? My all-time personal favorite is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

***Feel free to chime in on ANY of these topics in the comments below!!!***


And, as always, if you've got a question you'd like to ask, Follow This Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/march-2020-q-34627844 and leave your question in the comments!  Once we click the heart, you'll know your Q&A has been shot and will be posted shortly!!


LINKS TO ALL MARCH 2020 Q&A's: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20March%202020


Q&A Podcast FAVORITES THEME 03 15 2020



I think Sicario is my fav. out of Denis films , mainly because its the first film of his I watched. And he has a very particular brand of tension and suspense building , that i have not seen before(im sure there are directors that do similar kind of thing) And while there is action, the action itself is the the release, it lasts only few minuts, the build up towards that is just masterful. And yeah when I think of Sicario I think of tone and atmosphere . Its just so grimy and unrelenting . Also just the morally grey approach to Benicios character is just so good . Prisoners is also very close , i love damn near everything about it and Hugh Jackman deserved an oscar nom. I felt , i think my main gripe was with how predictible at some points it got and i thought the ending wasnt as great. I am actually surprised it was not BR 2049, since i see a lot of people praise the film to high heavens . I honestly liked it more than Ridley's Scott first one . And Arrival is just really good when it came to messaging and themes . i felt the ending was really powerful that stuck with me for a few weeks . As far as composers go . While Hans Zimmer is the obvious one . I think John Powell of Bourne trilogy fame is really damn great. Clint Mancells with his approach to minimalistic music like in Moon, Black Swan is really great too. Most recently i think Marco Beltrami is pretty underrated. his work on Logan was just god damn amazing. Some of the pieces he composed for that movie just goes into straight up horror teritorry . For sitcoms. I liked HIMYM with early seasons, but i felt it was losing steam fast, and that ending was something else lmao. I think Scrubs was a fantastic show , and it was very consistent for the most part . New Girl was alright , i just think Zoe just carried the show , the supporting cast was not as strong . I only watched first two seasons of seinfield , but i think its probably the most clever written sitcom and it holds up in modern age really well. Currently tho, im watching brooklyn 99 and i think its the funniest shit i have seen in a while . Andy Samberg is unreasonably funny , lol

Jani Salminen

My favorite Denis Villeneuve would as well be Prisoners, i just love the performance of the actors and the story. And i didn't even think about animated sitcoms when i asked the question. Adding those into the picture i have to put up The Simpsons and Family Guy, i've watched so much of both of those series. I don't think that i could pick which one i like better, they're so different. Also i love that Bon Jovi ad-lib in the end, exactly the content i expect to see :D.


Denis Villeneuve: Enemy. A genuinely confounding mystery regarding identity, with bonus spiders. Suspenseful and yucky. I’ve said before: the last 30 seconds did me IN.


From your question, I was afraid we might in for some fisticuffs lol. Aside from preference, though, I think we're generally in agreement haha. Sicario was the first one of his I saw and yeah, it just has such a unique, harsh, unrelenting quality. You really live in Elizabeth Blunt's shoes, just sort of overwhelmed and winded by the whole situation. I'd never try to argue you out of that choice haha. As for Prisoners, I suppose I can see where you're coming from in terms of some of the plot points. I guess I'd concede that it's a bit looser a movie than Sicario. Hugh definitely deserved more love than he got. And Paul Dano's just so friggin' creepy. As for BR2049, we both have a lot of love for that one also. And I think we're with you in having actually enjoyed it more, overall, than the original. I feel like any of his films is a worthy contender haha. Still gotta see Enemy tho!! Good calls on Powell and Mansell! Heard a loooot of those Bourne soundtracks over the years as well as Mansell's works (especially the Lux Aeterna from Requiem). I still gotta see Moon, as a matter of fact, so this is anther push in that direction haha. Cliff Martinez also came to mind - the guy who does a lot of Nicolas Winding-Refn's stuff, all those darkwave synths. Beltrami's a great choice, I think, for underrated. That dude's been at it on Film & TV scores since the '90s at least! Used to make music for a show my dad worked on back in the day as a matter of fact. Thought his 3:10 to Yuma work was pretty great AND he's done a ton of horror over the years, so I can definitely see that venn diagram working perfectly in the Logan score. Otherwise, I think the one I'm most bummed I forgot to namecheck was the score for the Maniac remake with Elijah Wood done by this guy who goes by ROB. Textural, dark, synthy, and perfectly captures the grungy underbelly of LA at night... Funny enough (and I suppose this is blasphemy lol, but) I've never seen Seinfeld 😮I feel like one'a these days I'll have to give it a legitimate try. HIMYM definitely has its ups & downs and better overall seasons, so I can't blame ya there. Got a lot of love over here for Brooklyn 99, though. It's been a minute since I've seen an episode, but friggin' Samberg... really the whole ensemble has something I enjoy haha. And fun fact - the hospital where they used to shoot Scrubs is actually right nearby! I remember driving past and seeing the big film lights on back in the day haha. Pretty neat!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:51:13 Yessss, such a good movie!! Glad it's stuck around in people's minds haha. Denis seems like a pretty special voice to have arisen lately. And yes haha, can't count the animated sitcoms out! ...I guess unless you argue that they're reacting to & to-some-degree deconstructing traditional sitcoms, but... I count them lol. That's a Sophie's Choice there between FamGuy & Simpsons haha. I won't force you to choose today 😝 as long as the Bon Jovi ad-libs are having their desired effect, it's A-Alright with me lol
2020-03-16 20:25:49 Yessss, such a good movie!! Glad it's stuck around in people's minds haha. Denis seems like a pretty special voice to have arisen lately. And yes haha, can't count the animated sitcoms out! ...I guess unless you argue that they're reacting to & to-some-degree deconstructing traditional sitcoms, but... I count them lol. That's a Sophie's Choice there between FamGuy & Simpsons haha. I won't force you to choose today 😝 as long as the Bon Jovi ad-libs are having their desired effect, it's A-Alright with me lol

Yessss, such a good movie!! Glad it's stuck around in people's minds haha. Denis seems like a pretty special voice to have arisen lately. And yes haha, can't count the animated sitcoms out! ...I guess unless you argue that they're reacting to & to-some-degree deconstructing traditional sitcoms, but... I count them lol. That's a Sophie's Choice there between FamGuy & Simpsons haha. I won't force you to choose today 😝 as long as the Bon Jovi ad-libs are having their desired effect, it's A-Alright with me lol

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:51:13 Gahh. Now I really gotta get a move on and see Enemy haha. Seems fitting as well, Prisoners had Jake & snakes.. Enemy has Jake & spiders lol. VERY curious about this ending...
2020-03-16 20:28:38 Gahh. Now I really gotta get a move on and see Enemy haha. Seems fitting as well, Prisoners had Jake & snakes.. Enemy has Jake & spiders lol. VERY curious about this ending...

Gahh. Now I really gotta get a move on and see Enemy haha. Seems fitting as well, Prisoners had Jake & snakes.. Enemy has Jake & spiders lol. VERY curious about this ending...