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Thanks for your question, LIAM KOCH!!!

Been following Bo since he started dropping songs on YouTube waaaay back in the day!  What are some of your BO BURNHAM FAVORITES?!?  Leave 'em in the box, people!!!


LINKS TO ALL FEBRUARY 2020 Q&A's: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects?filters[tag]=Q%26A%20February%202020


Liam Koch Q&A Feb20


Laura Moore

Fun question! I heard him perform “Art is Dead” on some comedy show one time, spent a few months catching up on all his stuff and been a fan since


Not bad!! Was it that comedy green room/roundtable one or like a show you were actually at?? I'm hoping he does another special somewhere down the line. I'm still dying to see a proper Bo Show live.


I really love "Sad" from what. I also think "Left brain, right brain" is such a unique and cleaver idea for a stand up comedian.


Ahhh, Sad!! The breathy sobs always make me giggle. "LET'S ROCK!.. no..." Also quite bummed I neglected to mention Left Brain, Right Brain, that one pretty much blew my mind the first time I saw it. Got some specials to revisit!!