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Happy S.H.I.E.L.D. Thursday, party people!   We return from last week's mid-season finale for an intense and illuminating mid-season premiere..

Episode Synopsis: After Whitehall's death, Hydra vows revenge against Coulson, while Skye tries to cope with the aftereffects of her newfound earthquake abilities...




AoS 2x11


Calculatus Eliminatus

More seeds being planted. The RC car is yet another example of a small scene from several episodes back (the car going down the hall and running into Fitz was awhile back) actually being a set up for something much more. What's amazing is how many more are there, just waiting to come to the foreground. Fitz knew what Mack felt for a couple reasons. First, the Asgardian Loralei who could control men, had control of Fitz AND Fitz didn't have control over his own body and thoughts and words as he was recovering from his brain trauma. They do a good job of recognizing trope and either knowingly (with a wink and nod) leaning into it OR completely subverting it. Don't think you noticed that was Skye's mom at the beginning. And finally, I think it was awesome that Trip's death was honored and it wasn't just another, "Welp, that guy died". People won't forget him.

Christopher simeon

If you didn’t recognize the man Bakshi was talking to on the screen was helping von strucker with Wanda and Pierto in that end credit scene and in Age of ultron. Cut off one head two more take its place. Remember Simmons was in hydra and saw first hand how dangerous Alien things can be. So she is very scared. Fitz initial reaction was fear but once that subsided he was very empathetic to skyes experience.


Ahh, that WAS Skye's mom!! I think I muttered something about that at the beginning somewhere haha. I was thinking it'd be her, but I also couldn't quite orient myself in time/space. Very much appreciate the clarifier! And that did make me happy to see Trip really honored through the episode. Much love for Trip over here 😭 Gahh!! The RC car. Very cool to see that come back the way it did. And the general theme of Mack wanting to work on Lola so bad. Sneaks right under your nose. Very cool reveal, although obviously it's got me apprehensive now 😅keepin' my eyes trained for special details haha. And there we go! I thought Fitz'd been mind-controlled somewhere in there, thanks for the refresher 🙌🏼Loralei feels like forever ago!! I think I'm beginning to pick up on their sense for subversion - I appreciate that quite a bit. Especially when that t-bone gag came in. This is the first time in AGES I've seen that paid off plausibly haha. Excited for next week!!


Oh snap!! Definitely did not put that one together haha. Even though I've missed a fair amount lol, I love how they work these different characters in from the films in little ways. Definitely overdue for a revisit on Winter Soldier lol. Just gotta find the time!


This episode is one of the reasons why I cannot completely warm up to Simmons, she has a tendency to get a little bit genocidal when she's stressed.

Steve Rivera

The name of this episode is great. One thing that you missed out on while this show was airing live during these early seasons is all the crazy speculation. Basically, everybody was trying to figure out which characters were in fact secretly super heroes from the comics. The most obvious one was Skye since she didn't have an actual name, so everybody was trying to figure out HER name and Cal's name once he was introduced. There was crazy theories about Ward being The Punisher and all these other ones early on. We finally got a name for Skye last episode, and Cal's was either in the same episode or the previous. Huge reveals for all the comic book experts. I am not like a super megastar encyclopedia so I didn't know what the names meant, but I certainly was keeping up with the speculation. And their names confirmed one of the theories that had been thrown around. I am not gonna say what their comic book personas are in case you don't want to know, but "Aftershocks" is clearly a reference to both the aftermath and the apparent earthquake that brought down the temple. Something which Fitz realizes was caused by Skyes newfound abilities.