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"It's a Terrible Life" (AND I REALIZED THE THUMBNAIL SAYS 4x16 - whoopsie!)

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/391617321/d7b78b0023

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 42 Mins & 49 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: What if the Winchesters weren't hunters?  In this alternate life, Dean is a corporate man who enjoys health drinks & Sam is in tech support...  so nothing crazy this episode!  😅


Links To All Seasons SUPERATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 4x17 STREAM


Melanie LeBlanc

I knew John would like the episode a bit more than Greg, and I knew Greg would have issues with the placement of this episode after last week's. I'm glad you enjoyed it for what it was, though. I think the whole episode was worth it just to see Dean drive a prius and eat a salad. Also, Ghostfacers cameo! Your cringe faces during the death scenes were hilarious, I kept waiting for the elevator one. I can't wait to see how you feel about next week's episode. I'm not as sure about what your thoughts will be, but that's the fun! I didn't comment last week, but I loved your reaction. Watched the stream once, and the the reaction then review twice. It was so great to watch how much you were into the episode and how engaged your discussion was afterward. Wishing you guys the best!

Jani Salminen

To me this is an enjoyable episode, i like the visuals of it, some "fun" deaths like stuffing your head in a microwave and getting crushed by the elevator. Maybe lacking in the writing department, the characters seem to get over seeing some horrific shit quite easily. Maybe this episode was just poorly timed after the last episodes. I love that they keep bringing the Ghostfacers back.

Kristin Dorner

This was just an “ok” episode for me. Like you were saying I love the idea of this episode being mainly for Dean, showing him that a Hunter isn’t just what he does, but who he is. I think this episode makes more sense (in terms of being more for Dean) when looking back on it after you find out this REALLY important thing in season 5 (NO SPOILERS). I am SOOOOOOO pumped for the next episode!!!!! It’s up there in my top 10 favorite episodes of all time...up to this point at least. Can’t wait to see your reactions to it!


Am I supposed to listen to audio via you or Netflix? It seems like both but then I always have an echo. Advice?


Just a little fun before we plunge into the beginning of the end of the season. Sera Gamble wrote this one, and it seems like a creative writing exercise: fun! Yes, fish out of water, which they should be in that corporate environment—yet they were (at least Dean was) extremely confident. Jarring. But fun!

Reggie B

1) Yellow is NOT Jared’s color, oof lol. Hey, if anything else, at least Greg got to drool over Dean’s handsome face for 40 minutes haha. 2) Last time I watched this ep I do definitely remember thinking, “wait… isn’t there still a bisected body in the hallway?? Did they just leave him there?” 3) Not sure why but every time I hear Sam say, “did you see a ghost????” it always makes me laugh. 4) As for this being an odd follow up to the previous episode, Supernatural doesn’t often have two really heavy episodes back to back. For example, back in season 2, the ep Born Under a Bad Sign where Sam is possessed by the demon Meg is a really dark, heavy episode, and the very next ep is Tall Tales, a famously funny episode with the Trickster. Seems like they use it as tension breakers? 5) Back in like season 1, you guys said that Greg, you felt like the Dean of you two, and John more as the Sam. Now that we’re nearing the end of season 4, wondering if you still feel that way? Is there a brother you each relate to or whose storyline you enjoy more, or is it more equal? 6) As always feel free to have your own opinions lol. For me, its just a fun, non plotty episode to go back and watch now and again, without having to get myself back into the very heavy tone this season can have.


I like this episode, but it's not a favorite of mine overall. I think it has some important points to take away from it (especially as you finish season 4 and start season 5), but I do have some issues with the writing. The rest of this season is a crazy ride. Can't wait to see how you both react to next week's episode!

Toasted Toad

I am writing this having watched only your comments/discussion section - am ill and can't really cope with watching a full TV programme right now. What a shame you didn't like this one more - I love this episode. And in a way, I'm a little surprised - you had just been talking yourselves about hoping there was some light relief before the end, and that's exactly what this episode is. SPN often breaks up a series of very heavy episodes with a more light hearted episode. I think half the reason they have Dean as the exec and Sam as the IT guy is that it's simply funny. Watching Sam's huge frame crammed into this tiny cubicle, wearing this t-shirt which is a disgusting shade of yellow that could not be further from suiting him is just a nice visual. But they are both still themselves. Sam gently helpful, Dean competent and just getting on with it (although unusually concerned with his looks and diet, which I find hysterical). The more serious point of the whole exercise is made by Zachariah at the end. While Sam has been pretty sure of his course all season, Dean has been doubting himself. Here, the angels are trying to show him that it's his nature to stand and fight. It's not just his upbringing. Dean is the sort of person who is determined to help, not stand aside and let others do things.

Steve Rivera

Aww man this is a fan favorite. This is one of the more memorable episodes, and that's why I was excited for this reaction. Just love the change of pace. I was of the mind that if you're gonna follow up such a lore heavy episode with a more one off episode, it has to be an unconventional one. LOVED the alternate reality angle. Love the humor. Love the lesson at the end. The one negative was that Sam is just along for the ride, but it's to be expected. The angels don't like Sam. Their focus is on Dean and Dean only, aside from when telling Sam not to do the psychic stuff. I can see about the issue about the timing, but to me it didn't matter just because it was so awesome. Like initially I was like "oh this isn't story wtf" and then I was like "OH THIS ISN'T STORY BUT YESS" and by the end it was both, and I loved that combination. Considering how broken Dean has been when it comes to self confidence, he did need a journey of self discovery. But yes, this is an episode that has incredible replayability for me. If I start watching it, I just want to watch it all the way through. Easily one of my favorite of the series. And tbh, easily better than the previous episode simply because of concept. Love these out there episodes!


I never really liked this episode, so I completely understand what you mean. And I hope you guys don't feel too pressured to overexplain everything you don't love! For me this was one of those 'Let's try something different' episodes that are either amazing or don't work 100%. One more thing: I don't know if you're doing yourselves a favor when you expect another hard-hitting story episode after one like last week. Supernatural almost never does that :D


I agree with you on this episode. You may actually like it more than I do. It does get better on rewatches though. I felt the same way about feeling like something was missing. I wish there had been a better follow up to the previous ep, then followed with this one. But you are at least in the last third of the season. I wish people wouldn't give their expectations to upcoming episodes. That has to affect your thoughts somehow.

Toasted Toad

You never like AUs very much, though, so even if it's a really good one, the nature of it is not going to appeal to you.


Ahh, sorry! We try to keep a bit of the audio track in the stream-along to assist with the time code & all that. Is it too much?


I'm sure everybody's set up is different. For me, I use the time code to sync with Netflix. But then I have audio from Netflix up so I can hear the show. But I have to turn your audio up so I can hear you guys ... but then I also hear your show (but not good enough to be the only audio). So, then I have both audios and am constantly trying to get the two to sync and they never do exactly. So, I typically give up and only watch the highlights. I finally decided to ask ... because maybe I'm missing something simple for how to do this. Have you guys tried to watch your own video with Netflix synced?


Yeah. My comment was shorter than usual. I don't care for AU stuff in most shows. This wasn't quite fully an AU, since I didn't think it was another universe. I just didn't like the idea of that angel messing with the boys' lives so much as to wipe their past lives away and plop them into a new life. EVen though it was meant to show that they would still end up hunters. Adds to the Destiny think that bothers me this season. I "like" it, but I also don't like anything that alludes to determinism - if that's the right word. I don't like the idea that their lives are being controlled and what they do wouldn't change that. Which adds onto the issues I have with time travel - although I like the time travel episode this season, I don't like the chicken and egg issue with it. See, best when I keep things short! lol


Damn haha, you must've cracked some element of our tastebuds! Gonna have to start throwing in more curveballs 😝I got such a kick out of Tech Support Sam & Juice Cleanse Dean lol + the Ghostfacers cameo, love that they've got that just existing in the background now 😂 Definitely lots to appreciate in this one, even if it didn't fully hit for us. GOD that elevator kill was nasty. Loved how they teased us with that one too haha. Really glad you enjoyed last week's too! It means a lot to know you're enjoying both the streams and the highlights as well as the discussion/review portions :) it's never too hard staying engaged with this show. Wishing all the best back atcha. Excited for the next episode!!


Appreciate this feedback! I can see how it'd get frustrating having the inconsistent echo for so much of the show 😕the approach to sound is probably the thing we've tweaked most since we started these stream-alongs (probably more times than we've done sync tests, to be fair). Part of why we have so much show audio at the moment is actually due to requests as we used to only play a bit of the sound at the very beginning before ducking the rest of it out. As far as I know there's nothing super-obvious that you're missing. I'll see if we can formulate any sort of fix or compromise here. Really sorry again for the inconvenience!


Seems like a good way to look at it! It does have a sort of creative writing exercise-type quality. Definitely enjoyed watching S & D be SO out of place here. I think I'll always be tickled by juice cleanse, Prius driving, NPR subscriber Dean and Tech-Support Sam lol.


1) Hahaha not Jared's color, BUT those short sleeves do showcase the guns decently 😝and of course, neither of us can be too sad poring over Deano's handsome mug. 2) LOL also this. Because, according to Zachariah, this was all real... I wonder who's gonna do all the explaining on that one 😅 3) I looove Sam's inflections as Dean is slowly starting to open up to the legitimacy of the haunting. Great delivery on that line haha. 4) That's a fair point, yeah. I didn't mind the diversion in tone so much as.. I guess the proportions of the episode? We just watched the next one and I thought that one did a reeeeaaally nice job transitioning from a quirky premise into the more serious aspects of the episode. I guess the best I can put it is that in this one, the fun MotW-type stuff and the actual "point" didn't seem to come out proportionately? ...I dunno. I'm still trying to find the right words lol. Do appreciate the break in tension, though. 5) That is a GREAT question haha. I dunno if we've fully switched, but I can certainly see Sam has drifted in some ways closer to Greg & Dean in some ways closer to me.. I think the core qualities probably are still the same, but in the moment, I think we've switched a little at least. Perhaps not equal, but closer to? 6) Haha we're just being lightheartedly facetious (and maybe a smiiidge self conscious lol), but also thank you. We do always try to present our honest take each episode. And hey, I'm glad so many of you guys have gotten such lasting joy out of this one! Definitely not without its charms and I've come to appreciate certain parts more in talking to you guys. Next one up in a few days!!!


Haha right?? I was so happy when I saw them pop up again 😂especially with a bunch of info SAM & DEAN taught them lol. Thought there was a good amount to appreciate about this episode, still. Especially in the fun & games side of things - STILL thinking of that elevator death 😱I'm still having trouble pinpointing what was off here for us, but I think the ease at which they get used to the death is one thing. That and perhaps just the proportioning of the MotW aspects to the actual "point" of the episode? Either way, glad you enjoy :)


Glad we're not insane haha 😅definitely appreciated the core of this episode (along with the fun & games side of things). Very much appreciate you not spoiling season 5, but that's also good to know! Funny enough, we were just commenting that something from the next episode (we just filmed it) actually made us appreciate this one more, so there is that! ...buuut I won't say too much more about that - leave some fun for the actual video 😝...suffice to say, I can see why you're so enthused. Excited to drop it in a couple days!


We juuuust filmed the next one. Won't say much, but VERY excited for that one to go up in a couple days 😋still trying to put a finger on what hampered this one for us, but there's certainly a lot to appreciate here. I think the writing could've maybe been more proportionate? Maybe a slightly different balance of the MotW stuff with the deeper angelic stuff? Either way, very excited/nervous for the end of the season!!


Aw, I hope you're feeling better!! Being under the weather sucks, but hopefully you're able to get some rest in. I'm bummed this wasn't as much a hit for us as well! Can definitely see what's to love about it, though. It is funny re: our wish for some levity. I think this one definitely brought that (and I appreciated a good amount of it), I think something was just a bit off in the proportions? I really appreciated the setup and the point of it all (as per the closing scene with Zachariah), I think I maybe could've done with something slightly more unique in the middle? Or more of a transition between the guise and the what's really going on? I'm still having trouble putting my finger on it.. We actually just shot the next one however and, without say toooooo much, I think it scratched some of the itch this one came up short on for us.. 🙌🏼 That's a good take re: Sam & Dean's roles. I think this was the episode where I truly registered just how tall Jared is haha, even in comparison to Jensen. So yeah, cramming Sam in the tiny shirt in a tiny cubicle is pretty amusing. A good point as well re: their dynamic during the investigation side. I'm also very tickled that in this episode DEAN is the research expert lol. Juice-cleanse Dean's gotta be up there with Gym Coach Dean lol.


I'm getting that sense haha. Sad we didn't enjoy it as much as a lot of people seem to, but I still found a lot to appreciate with this one! I've said this a few times above, but I'm still having trouble pinpointing exactly what kept us (or at least me) from really clicking with this one. I feel like, on paper, this is an episode I should love haha. Really dug the alternate reality angle, the cheeky, contrasting humor, the lesson/point revealed by Zachariah by the end... And it does make sense as to why Dean's the one who gets the wrap-up here (and quite appreciated the overall point of that). I think it's something to do with the proportions going from the alternate universe fun & games to the bigger picture? We just shot the next one, actually, and without saying too much, I think that one hit the "wtf is happening" to "woahhh, that's coool!" transition a bit more naturally (for our taste, anyway). Regardless, though, I think this is definitely a memorable ep. with much to appreciate. Excited to drop the next one!!!

Toasted Toad

On point (1), I’m reminded how other cast members say that everyone goes ‘gay for Jensen’ just a little on first meeting him! Those pouty lips are never chapped 😂😂😂


Glad we’re not completely alone haha 😅 more than anything I think this episode was just especially tough to put a finger on in terms of what wasn’t working for us? I tend to enjoy the Something-Different episodes & actually liked a lot of what this one was doing, but.. something in the execution here, I guess, didn’t feel quite.. proportionate? I’ll do better to remember the light/dark dynamic the episodes take haha. Although we did just shoot the next one & that seems to have a good blend of both. Excited to drop it!!


Haha no worries! It’s fun to hear y’all’s thoughts & unique tastes for these things 😊 I’m still not entirely sure what didn’t click for us this time around, best I can figure is it’s something to do with the proportions? Because I like most all of what it’s trying to do. Although I do share some of your trepidation regarding destiny & determinism. Kinda like you said, I love the concept here, but it does make me wonder about their true level of choice, I guess? Especially with some of the things that come up in the next one.. but I’ll leave that for the next post 🤐 Appreciate your feedback as always!!


I usually turn the Netflix audio way down to reduce echo. I use their audio the help me sync the episode with them. The echo mostly goes away when they're fully in sync.

Arada Michaels

Wow now that I'm thinking about it, you're right. Most of those inner turmoil was given to Sam and at the end, Zachariah said this was supposed to be about Dean. That is pretty weird. I enjoyed the episode but it wasn't my favorite. I like A/U kind of episodes and the introduction to Zachariah but the episode could've been a bit better.