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Thanks for you question TOTALLY JUMBLED (a.k.a. T.J. Trakas)!!!

What were some of y'all's favorite Turkey-day meals growing up & what are you thankful for this year???




Katie Anne

I truly thought John's shirt said "Creed" and Iol'd pretty hard when I was so thankful it was not! -- We are all thankful for the tremendous amount of work that you both put into everything and it certainly entertains me and picks me back up when I'm feeling down, that's for sure :)


Hahaha yes, secretly I am a MASSIVE Creed fan 😝Scott Stapp 4 LYFEEE. But in seriousness, we really appreciate that 💙If we're able to make your day a bit brighter with our shenanigans, that's about the best thing we can hope for :)