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"Monster Movie

Stream-Along in BLACK & WHITEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQQUTIWQ2EE&feature=youtu.be

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/375018816/ee07ffb3cd

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 42 Mins & 12 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Dean and Sam investigate murders at Oktoberfest.  Along the way, Dean begins to suspect the demon they're hunting is appearing as monsters from old Hollywood movies...



Super 4x5 Stream


Toasted Toad

I'm fond of this episode. The first time I watched it I didn't think all that much of it, but with revisiting I enjoyed it more. I see what you mean about how they might have been able to do more with the B&W aspect, but they still have to balance it against the SPN style, even when they are doing a slightly wacky episode. I enjoyed especially the shot they did with the light framing just the eyes of Dracula (reminding me of how they always lit Anjelica Huston in Addams Family). And Dean's "I have been re-hymenated" still stands as one of my favourite SPN quotes. This is something I love about SPN - that in between the angst and the tears and the horror and the fights, they will sometimes just take some time to goof around. The very best ones are when they manage to combine the goofing with important plot arc material. Those are the big time fan favourite episodes and you will know them when you see them. (The reference to the X-Files TV show was a particularly knowing nod, considering Kim Manners directed many episodes of X Files) Oh, BTS titbit: In that scene where Dracula is repeatedly punching Dean in the face , he did actually genuinely hit him one time. Oops! Have a great Thanksgiving


I can appreciate your view about the episode, and it's fascinating to me to see Supernatural through others eyes. I didn't mind the back and forth feeling to the episode that threw you two off, but I can understand why it did. To me, the "monster movie" feel illustrated the shapeshifter's perspective. It was the fantasy world he had spent years building and his view of his world. When it shifted, we were back to viewing everything from the rest of the world's perspective. That's the way I've always understood it, at least. I appreciated that the writers touched on some deeper themes with the story. It’s alway felt appropiate that this episode follows “Metamorphosis.” Even if this is just a coincidence, it works out regardless. The shapeshifter is motivated by loneliness due to his condition. He didn’t choose to be a shapeshifter, and after his father nearly killed him for what he was, he sought comfort in old monster flicks. “Metamorphosis” was Sam’s chance to cope with the thought that he might be turning into a monster, too, so I felt like there was a neat parallel between the two.


We also got a rather pensive moment from Dean after Jamie confronts him about the absurdity of his own life. While it’s not as emotionally damaging as most of Dean’s conversations have been this season, I was happy that he could speak to Jamie so honestly. She was detached from his past, so he was able to admit his newfound purpose to her happily. And really, that’s what I got out of this. As confusing and traumatizing as it was for him to die and go to Hell, he’s come back to the world with a sense that he’s wanted. And lord, that’s a huge deal for someone like Dean Winchester, who constantly doubts his self-worth. A fun fact I'm not sure you know or not. This episode was written by Ben Edlund, the creator of the comic character The Tick, who has given us such episodes as Simon Said (Andy, the guy with the jedi mind trick ability), Nightshifter (Ronald, and the 'mandroid with lazer eyes' shapeshifter), Hollywood Babylon (breaking the 4th wall), Bad Day at Black Rock (Bela, and the cursed rabbit's foot), Malleus Maleficarum (surburban witches), and Ghostfacers. I have a feeling Ben smokes only the best ganja. Can't wait for the next episode review, and don't forget to watch past the end credits. Have a terrific Thanksgiving guys.

Jani Salminen

I really like the coming episodes. It's been a real blast re-watching this series with you guys.

Elisa Ingo

Yellow Fever 🤣 Can't wait!!!!