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Dear Patron-O-Jects,

I humbly appreciate all the generosity that has been given by you, fellow subscribers...  

QUESTION TO VOTE ON: The shows we have been watching in Japanese w/ English subs, should we switch to watching the shows in English?


A patron recently brought up a great point we never thought about when it comes to stream-alongs for anime shows... 

Do you guys find it especially difficult watching along with subtitles, and that doing so detracts from your overall enjoyment of the reaction/watch-along?

We tend to want to go with the best option (as some dubs leave much to be desired), but ultimately the viewing experience for YOU GUYS is what matters most.

Leave your opinion in the poll below!!!


Heru Muharrar

Please no. Stay with the subs. More often than not the dub is abhorrent but even most of the greatest dub lovers wouldn't recommend switching this late in the game. Characters really take on different personalities with their dub voices. Personally I almost always say go with the sub. For me its hard to concentrate on a show with subtitles when the subtitles are the same language I speak.


CG is about the only anime I prefer dubbed lol

Ryan H

Definitely subs. Why no option to vote dubs to subs? Lol I watch your dub reaction cause I love your reactions normally I would never watch dubs. Though I admit there are some pretty good ones out there. Dubs often make changes to localize the dialogue and to make it match mouth flaps or to make things sound cooler in english. Also the original voice actors are chosen by the studio that actually creates the show. In my opinion using voices from a different company is kinda like a insult to the creators of the show. Since I mainly became a patreon for your anime reaction if everything switched to dub it would be a dealbreaker for me.

Ryan H

Lulu is pretty good in the dub. It's been a while but I remember really not liking Kallen's dub voice. Lulu's sub va performance is pretty iconic to me.


Oh god please DO NOT watch Hunter X Hunter in dub it’s really bad. I usually sync up my stream along in Sub regardless of wether the reactors are watching dub or sub so maybe dub lovers could do the same. Especially now that we’re kinda nearing the end of the slow arc and we’re getting closer to the goods. This show has some of my favourite moments in all anime and the dub voices really soured it bruh I really hate this dub it shits me so bad. But I probably wouldn’t notice that much if you switched and I’d still watch along either way. It’s only my personal taste cause even Blindwave seem to be enjoying this trash of all trash dubs and even though the cringe is heavy I still watch. It’s your channel so do what you will but man HxH dub is soo bad.

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

7/10 times dub tends to be inferior to their sub counterpart. The only dub I truly enjoyed was Death Note (but John's already watching it so yay!). Overall, I think it's better to stick to the original voice acting because I found that sometimes the tone in the dialogue was changed significantly in the dub compared to sub. Not to mention the fact that the voice directing in Japanese is likely more accurate to the intention of the mangaka (author).

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:00:24 Really appreciate all your feedback, guys!! For now we'll continue on as we've been, subbing & dubbing on a case-by-case basis. haha. Love you guys' enthusiasm for these things. Excited to keep moving on all these shows!!!
2019-11-12 18:06:32 Really appreciate all your feedback, guys!! For now we'll continue on as we've been, subbing & dubbing on a case-by-case basis. haha. Love you guys' enthusiasm for these things. Excited to keep moving on all these shows!!!

Really appreciate all your feedback, guys!! For now we'll continue on as we've been, subbing & dubbing on a case-by-case basis. haha. Love you guys' enthusiasm for these things. Excited to keep moving on all these shows!!!


I will always go for sub rather than the dub, be it anime or a foreign film. I just prefer authenticity over fuction I guess. I also think your own viewing experiences should matter more, be it subs or dubs. Even tho I might not agree with some choices , it should not matter as much. On the other hand im glad when you watch it in sub, especially HxH, phew. dodged that bullet