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Thanks for the question, JUSTIN SUTTON!!!

Full Question Is:

Greg and John what is your five favorite horror films this decade? Mine are Sinister, It Chapter 1, The Conjuring, Hereditary, and The Innkeepers 


What Would Be Your 5 Picks, peeps?!


Q&A Justin Sutton October 2019



Lots of great movies you guys mentioned, I forever about The Invitation all the time, such a great movie. I love the Evil Dead remake and The crazies. Maniac is one of the few movies that disturbed me, I don’t think I’ll be revisiting that one. The babadook is great and I love the first two Insidious movies and really liked the third one. Thanks for the video


I forget about the invitation


No problem, man! Was fun to dig around through the past decade. Crazy what all's come out in the last handful of years. And yes haha, Maniac is pretty solidly disturbing 😅😱 certainly can't blame you not being keen on a revisit. The Invitation's so good tho. Maybe just gotta get a copy on your shelf so you'll remember 😉