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"A Very Supernatural Christmas"

Now this is how you do a holiday themed horror story and STILL make it feel like a Christmas tale of sorts!!!

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/355433279/869c375cef




Evil Santa? Pagan Gods? What the hell is happening during Christmas for the Winchester Brothers?!


Supernatural 3x8 STREAM A Very Supernatural Christmas


Byron Abrahams

Loved this, guys. With other reactions I've watched, this episode's often overlooked, or reactors don't really appreciate it. Where it's one of my absolute favourites. You're spot on - the actors playing the old couple were fabulous. So subtle. And this has a line I've been quoting for 15 years: "Fudgin' touch me, and I'll fudgin' kill you!"

Toasted Toad

LOL! That was hilarious. That nail scene - ick, ick, ick!!! I love and hate this episode. The torture is yikes, I don't like young Dean but I think young Sam is great. The modern day stuff between Sam and Dean is just heartbreaking. Even the very end when the camera pulls back to show the two of them through the window of their motel room - such a lonely life these two guys have. No wonder they're so co-dependent. You might have noticed the face that Dean made when Sam gave him the egg nog. That's because, unknown to Jensen, Jared had put loads of booze in it. That was a real reaction.

Jen Smith

Only a few more episodes from one of my favorites! Can't wait for you to get to Mystery Spot.

Max Brander

that scene where dean first drinks the eggnog at the end had actual rum in it, thats why he made that face and coughed. jared sneakily put heaps of rum in Jensen's prop eggnog without telling him lol.

Elle B.

Never take peanut brittle from strangers. Lol “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” is such a heartbreaking song and it was perfect for the ending scene. I love when you guys really like an episode, your enthusiasm for it is contagious!

Annie R. James

Great reaction to a great episode. And, yeah, that nail part always has me covering the screen with my hand, I cannot watch that! Makes me think of Imprint, tbh. If you've seen that film, you'll get the reference, if not, you should check it out, it's a great, low-budget Asian horror film :)


LOOOOL that's kinda awesome 😂the deeper we slide into the show, I think the more obsessed I'm going to become with random little facts like these haha.


Aw, thanks dear :)) I'm really happy to hear that. I always look forward to our SPN time each week and when they're really nailing it, there's nothin' like it. Right tho?? I'm used to always hearing the updated, cheerier lyrics, so it always touches me to hear the original in settings like this. Such bittersweetness. Also yes lol, I think I'll remain skeptical on any and all peanut brittle for the foreseeable future 😅


Oof haha, I caaaannnoooot blame you 😅😅 I'm still shocked they got away with doing that on network tele lol. Really glad you enjoyed the video!! :) And I've definitely had Imprint described to me a time or two in.. vague.. detail haha. Every now-and-again I fancy a dip into the more extreme sides of cinema, so I'll keep it on my list for the next craving.

Chaos T

That nail scene is legitimately one of the most horrific torture things I've seen in tv including Game of Thrones f'd up'dness.


The thumbnail for this reaction is amazing! Immediately knew the scene it was from, I was not okay watching that the first time.