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Thanks for the question, COMMANDER DODGE!!!

Full Question Is:

What was the very first anime that you ever watched and why did you enjoy it so much?


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Commander Q&A



Shuffle. An interesting rom-com with a semi-dark twist at the end.

Commander Dodge

My first two were the original Yu-Gi-Oh and Sailor Moon. If you don't wanna see rape in anime, do NOT watch Goblin Slayer!


Mine is the original Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon

Jen Smith

Technically Pokemon/Dragon Ball but I always lumped those with kid shows like Animaniacs, The Tick and Freakazoid. Real deal anime was Cowboy Bebop. Total beauty. Best way to sink into the genre.

Jessica McGuire

Lol, poor Greg! I've seen Ninja Scroll, no wonder he was traumatized! A lot of people used to think that anime was like American cartoons, so it was automatically considered to be for kids, whether it was actually appropriate for children or not. People are more aware nowadays of the fact that there are entire genres of anime shows, including porn, and tend to be more careful about what children watch. Monster rape is a sub-genre of anime porn, but, no, that "rule" doesn't apply and never really did. My first anime was the original Transformers series and I'm old enough to have watched it when it was broadcast on TV in the 80s. Most "cartoons" back then didn't have actual plots and were just a collection of fun shorts. Transformers was different and I loved getting to know the individual characters and watching their adventures.

Jen Smith

I loved Psycho Pass but had to fast forward through the rapey scene. Just can't do that.


Ahhh, definitely saw some of those 2 growing up. At least in passing haha. And gooooood to know 😅😰


I can tell this Q&A's thread is going to have me googling a very odd assortment of anime haha


Can't go wrong with those 2! I feel like those were the biggest ones when we were growing up.


Haha yeah, right? I feel like the fighting in Dragonball sort of sets it apart, but Pokémon definitely gave me that more cartoon-oriented vibe. I still gotta see Cowboy Bebop!! Greg watched it not long ago, I believe, and really liked it. 'Tis on my short list for sure!!

Commander Dodge

Hehehe probably! But a really good anime that you two should really check out is The Rising of the Shield Hero.


Haha yeeaahhh 😅😱I remember him telling me about it growing up. In some ways it blows my mind people could lump a whole medium into "kids' stuff," but then I remember TV and film aren't altogether that old, so.. I s'pose we're not doing too bad at this rate. Interesting to know about the rule (or lack, thereof). It just sounds like the kind of thing that would be true haha. And that's awesome! Funny enough I don't think the either of us grew up on Transformers in a meaningful way, but in recent years I think I'm starting to realize why people love them so much. I didn't realize it had done as much in the narrative sense, so that's pretty cool to know!

Elle B.

My first introduction to anime was Kiki’s Delivery Service and Spirited Away as a child. But my first anime series was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! It opened my eyes to watch a lot more but it still holds as my favorite anime.


Ahh, nice!! Sounds like a pretty wonderful way to be introduced on both counts! When did you originally start watching FMA:B? Funny enough, I saw Spirited Away for the first time last winter 😮

Elle B.

I started FMAB at the end of 2016! I need to watch more from Studio Ghibli because I really do love those films.


Yeah, they really are beautiful. I have a dream of doing little film marathons going through different artists'/studios' works & Studio Ghibli's definitely on my list. I think I've seen 3 of theirs so far..


I think first anime I seen accidentally without knowing it was anime was Speed racer and Candy Candy, both are like from 1970 lol, I was like 6 years old when it Aired on TV. The first proper anime I watched on my own, not counting whatever TV was airing like Dragon Ball, fma, digimon, samurai x. Would be wolf's rain. That's was like 15 years ago or more. It kinda opened the door to new medium properly. I still remember crying my eyes out at the last couple episodes of that show

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:06:26 Oh snap!! Never saw Candy Candy growing up, but I definitely saw more than a little Speed Racer. Completely forgot about that 😅 For me, then, Princess Mononoke would probably be the first one I sought out directly. Never heard of Wolf's Rain before - I'm watching a trailer right now actually & it looks beautiful! ...and I can definitely see how this could get pretty emotional. I'll have to check out an episode sometime.
2019-08-12 19:15:20 Oh snap!! Never saw Candy Candy growing up, but I definitely saw more than a little Speed Racer. Completely forgot about that 😅 For me, then, Princess Mononoke would probably be the first one I sought out directly. Never heard of Wolf's Rain before - I'm watching a trailer right now actually & it looks beautiful! ...and I can definitely see how this could get pretty emotional. I'll have to check out an episode sometime.

Oh snap!! Never saw Candy Candy growing up, but I definitely saw more than a little Speed Racer. Completely forgot about that 😅 For me, then, Princess Mononoke would probably be the first one I sought out directly. Never heard of Wolf's Rain before - I'm watching a trailer right now actually & it looks beautiful! ...and I can definitely see how this could get pretty emotional. I'll have to check out an episode sometime.


It has a very melancholic vibe in a depressing world. Also I just really like wolves portrayed in any media, so i am biased . And I am very susceptible to emotional cues via music or imagery lol, even tho it might be too on the nose . As for Princess Mononoke, its the only Ghibli movie that I actually like . Most other ghibli movies I find a bit too sweet and it does not have those traditional anime elements that I like . Like I know ghibli stuff is for people who dont watch anime , and they are easily digestible . But for whatever reason, despite being very high quality it does not click with me

Jessica McGuire

Wolf's Rain is a very beautiful and somewhat haunting story. It's one that sticks out in my memory, even though I saw it many years ago. That one makes me cry, too.