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Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/352157777/7843828b86

Review After the Reaction Begins at: 22 Mins & 02 Seconds

Episode Synoposis: Soichiro Yagami demands to meet with L in person when he finds out the L has secretly brought FBI Agents into Japan...  Meanwhile, Light gleans more sinister results from his experiments with the Death Note...



Death Note 1x5 STREAM ALONG



Man, am I excited to see you react to the rest of this show. Its a roller coaster, for sure.

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, struggle when choosing who to root for in this show. Obviously Light is evil, but his character is just so fascinating that I couldn't help but be curious to see how far he would go if everything went to plan. However, I have a feeling that you might prefer L once you've seen more of him 😉 For the record, I actually kinda rooted for Light when I first watched Death Note 😂

Elle B.

I didn’t side with any character at first persay (besides Ryuk), but that def changed the more I watched. I do think all the characters are complex and interesting which is what got me hooked.


I forgot how much i like the soundtrack. It elevates whole show, good atmosphere builder, just the world feels like have specific character due to music used . I immediately hated Light after he used death note. Fuck that guy , lol. But it makes for an interesting show .


Definitely feels like one so far!! I think this is the fastest I've seen a show just hit the ground running. Nervous & excited for what comes next haha. Thanks for watching with me!!


Haha I can see how, especially perhaps when younger, you might go a bit over to the Light side 😅I think that's the best way to put it, though. Since his morality is so grey & twisted, it does make him super-fascinating to peer into... plus he's just so calm all the time lol. I find his VA's performance weirdly soothing (while also being unsettling haha). Although, in the grand scheme, I can definitely see myself rooting for L. Excited to see more of him for sure, but thus far I love the way they've been building him. Such a cool way to intro a character.


Oh, totally! That's the thing about Light is, like.. even though I'm not really "rooting" for him at the moment, I am fascinated by him and how his philosophy & wit is being revealed/developed. I think L has the advantage for me just because he's so cool and... isn't trying to murder lots of people remotely haha.. but Ryuk is by far the one I'd want to spend time with haha. Weirdly I love how bored & amused he is by all this.


The show definitely has its own, unique atmosphere. Certain parts kind of remind me of a David Fincher movie the way it's darkly psychological, but also kinda methodical and detached? Been loving the music so far. Really contributes to that ebb and flow of that eerie tension that's always percolating. And just a lot of personality in the palette of sounds they're working with. And yeeeaaahh haha, I'm kinda in your boat right now when it comes to Light.. Which is cool. It's been a while since I've watched a show that centered around such a sociopathic, maniacal protagonist haha. As fascinating as he is horrifying.

Jen Smith

What, what.. Death Note day!! I still can't get over how Light left the FBI guy's wife alive. The six steps ahead method Light has shown since day one made me think he'd write her down to. Didn't he say he investigated him? Wouldn't you think he'd find out about the wife's background or at least considered that he would tell her about the bus incident. I'm so glad we're getting to the L episodes. He is one of my favorite characters. He's so chill yet quirky, I fall for that dude. Another rad stream along my friend. Until next time...


Haha wooo!! Y'know... that's an interesting point.. at the time I thought he just didn't know about her, but that's a fair point. I think it's certainly plausible he could've had access to that info, but I'd have to go back and comb for the nuances. I was pretty thrilled to see her in a position to pick up the trail, but perhaps I missed somethin. SUPER excited to see more of L in action. And to see his personality come out more. This is a show/character I've been hearing about since high school, so the anticipation is, like.. super-real haha. See ya next week! (...at least on a DN thread lol)