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Thanks for your question Elle B.!!!

Full Question reads: Describe your personality but, instead of using words, use 3 fictional characters from TV or Film.

What about you guys?!?  Leave some of your fictional counterparts in the comments!!!


Aaand if ya have a question you'd like us to do a video response to - FOLLOW THIS LINK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2019-q-28895028

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Elle B Q&A


Elle B.

Lmao nice answers. Friends is a good compass to describe people with! I kinda went deep with my picks though...Mine are: Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Clarice Starling, and Penelope Garcia (from Criminal Minds). To keep my explanations short, I’m close with my mom, love pop culture references, can be indecisive, can present as quiet or shy but am very talkative when you get to know me, practical and smart, curious and information-driven, highly empathetic and protective of my friends/loved ones.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:06:33 Damn! This was a very focused & effective explanation. I like this method of personality breakdown lol. Plus then it's also fun to imagine that, perhaps on nights or weekends, you also work in a crime lab, hack computers, and profile dangerous serial killers 😂
2019-08-07 22:33:44 Damn! This was a very focused & effective explanation. I like this method of personality breakdown lol. Plus then it's also fun to imagine that, perhaps on nights or weekends, you also work in a crime lab, hack computers, and profile dangerous serial killers 😂

Damn! This was a very focused & effective explanation. I like this method of personality breakdown lol. Plus then it's also fun to imagine that, perhaps on nights or weekends, you also work in a crime lab, hack computers, and profile dangerous serial killers 😂

Elle B.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever said this on here before, but I originally wanted to major in criminal psychology, but decided on journalism instead! So I very well could have ended up like Clarice or Penelope! Haha


I'm not gonna take credit for fully remembering, buuut that does sound very familiar, so I think I recall you saying this haha. And now I'm very curious to know what the combo Clarice/Penelope office would look like 😝