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Thanks for your question, MIKAEL LINDÉN!!!

FULL QUESTION Reads:  Which game console is your favorite over the years?; Nintendo, Playstation, X box, Sega, PC or something else?

What're y'all's favorites?!?!  Leave 'em in the comments, people!!!


Mikael Q&A


Jessica McGuire

I'm a huge Playstation fan. I love RPGs, particularly the fantasy genre, and PS has usually had the best of those. Just my opinion, of course.

Jessica McGuire

The FF series. My faves were FF7 and FFX. I like the story lines of those two the most and I enjoyed the mini-games in both of them. Most of the FF series had interesting stories. PS2 is still my favorite platform. I haven't kept up with PS since 3 came out. I did like the story in X-2, but my friends and I nicknamed that game "Final Fashion Show" for a good reason.


Awww 😅😂 You could probably sell sone "Final Fashion Show" t-shirts lol. It's funny, I've been aware of Final Fantasy all of my life, but I've yet to ever foray down that avenue of gaming. They actually had the big FF7 motorcycle set up as a photo op at Comic-Con this year. I haven't yet been able to upgrade past my PS3, but I feel like a lot of people would agree PS2 was the best. It's a modern classic and, at least looking back, it felt like the first panoramic step forward that also wasn't Nintendo-related. Pretty great system for sure!

Jessica McGuire

Lol, that's a bit ironic considering the FF series started out on Nintendo. X-2 is one of those games where the characters have different "jobs" and their skills changed based on whatever job a character has at any given moment. The thing is, the jobs are determined by the outfit that the characters are wearing, so they change clothes a lot. And the main playable characters are all female, so it really is kind of a fashion show. I've played other games, Kingdom Hearts is one of my faves that isn't FF, Breath of Fire, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry. One of my favorite old games, from the PS1, is MediEvil. It's more hack and slash than RPG, but it is a truly fun game to play. I used to have a ton of games but I got burglarized and they not only stole the games, they stole my memory cards. Years of gaming gone. I just haven't had the heart to start every game from scratch, all over again, so I haven't played in a while.


Oh damn! Gonna have to brush up on some of my OG game history haha 😅 but I suppose all the clothes-changing makes a bit more sense when you put it that way... was there a best outfit/job you could get? I'm really sorry to hear about your games being stolen. Can't at all blame you feeling put-out at the prospect of starting all that progress from scratch 🙁 Resident Evil and Devil May Cry are actually a couple of my favorite series. Have not played Breath of Fire or MediEvil though, but I'd be curious to look them up. I haven't gotten to game properly in ages, but I often muse about going back and catching up on some of these things. Hope things are alright generally for you, though, and that you can get back onto your gaming groove!!

Jessica McGuire

Um, the jobs have various pluses and minuses. Just like most RPGs, you have your Thief, your White Mage, your Black Mage, etc. You have to try and have a balanced party. One of my favorite jobs is the Alchemist. That one combines items that you have on hand to create other items with various effects. She can create both healing and attacking items, so it's one of the more well-rounded jobs. I've played Resident Evil II and I enjoyed the story line, but not the game play so much. I really, really, really do not like likkers! Devil May Cry is a lot of fun, though. I've played Breath of Fire III and IV and I liked III better, although the graphics are a LOT better on IV. The main character in that series is an apparently human boy that can turn into various dragons. MediEvil is just sheer fun. The main character is a disgraced knight that's been brought back to life when someone revives all of the dead and he's trying to redeem himself. He's a skeleton and missing his lower jaw, so he can't really talk. Things are going fairly well for me, thank you. All of this talk about games is making me want to pull out a game or two and play for a while, lol. I'm off tomorrow, so maybe I'll do just that!


Haha right? Kinda itching to bust out my old consoles, myself 😅it's been a while since I've gotten to properly play anything, really. I like your choice to go with the alchemist! Perhaps not as flashy as thief or mage, but seems pretty handy.. As for Lickers, I can definitely see why you'd hate them haha. Those games get pretty freaky, although I must admit I have very fond memories fighting those guys. And of course DMC is just a heavy-metal blast haha. And funny enough! I wound up looking up both Breath of Fire & MediEvil and a bunch of memories came flooding back lol. Never got to play either, but I definitely remember vividly when MediEvil came out. Might just pick that up at some point and have a little old-school sesh haha.

Jessica McGuire

Well, you know each of the job types has a weakness or flaw that you have to compensate for. The alchemist is a great one, but the problem with that job is that you never know what you're going to get from using the skill. Initially, anyway. There's over 4,000 possible combinations and each time you use the skill, you lose the two items she uses for it. You can learn certain combinations and get reliable results from them, though. Also, one of the alchemists skills is the ability to use items without affecting your inventory. She can use healing potions and phoenix downs even when you don't actually have any. They do have lower defense and HP, though, like a mage. Towards the end of the game, I found myself getting healing and attack items for the alchemist to combine and use and just using her abilities instead of my inventory for actual attack and healing. I only played the second RE but it was a bit too much like walking around in a haunted house for my tastes. The game was really well done in that I'd get so caught up in it, I'd kind of forget that it was just a game and no one was actually going to die. It made for a fantastic game, but an uncomfortable gaming experience, if that makes any sense. DMC is more fun for me to play. MediEvil is more funny than scary and has been one of my favorite games ever since I played it. You really should try it. The FF games are more about the story than anything else, like most RPGs, but most of them have very different storylines and different worlds from one another. They have certain elements in common, of course, but in FF7, you ride an ostrich-type bird in races against other riders and you breed your own birds. In FFX, you're given the same type of bird and you have to navigate an obstacle course and beat a timer. In FF7, you have to do well enough at the mini-games to move the story line forward. In FFX, most of the mini-games are for you to obtain a character's ultimate weapon or a special attack. If it wasn't for the common elements, like the birds, you'd never guess that the different games are part of the same series. What other games have you played?

Katie Anne

NES will always be a timeless favorite because it’s where many hours of my life were spent with family and friends. Godzilla, Dragon Warrior, the golden Legend of Zelda, and Link games. Had so much appreciation from Sega (Streets of Rage lol) to PS2 (Goldeneye), truly wonderful experiences.

thereelrejects (edited)

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2021-07-15 05:07:03 I'm always in awe of how deep the Final Fantasy rabbit hole goes haha. Every time I can recall seeing ads for a new game growing up, they all looked wildly different from one another. Although I had no idea birds or bird-breeding of any kind was a thing in any of these games lol. And I guess that would make sense, you can't have any one character or caste becoming too all-powerful. And I getcha about RE2. It's pretty immersive & cinematically captured, so it is a different gaming experience. I tried part 7 in VR at a convention once and HOLY SHIT has that aesthetic evolved. Definitely will try to track down MediEvil, though! Sounds like a fun blast from the past. Hit up one of the used game shops haha. As for meeee... Star Fox & Mario were big ones growing up. The Metal Gear series for sure.. the last game I beat was Resistance: Fall of Man haha. 😅
2019-08-06 22:33:52 I'm always in awe of how deep the Final Fantasy rabbit hole goes haha. Every time I can recall seeing ads for a new game growing up, they all looked wildly different from one another. Although I had no idea birds or bird-breeding of any kind was a thing in any of these games lol. And I guess that would make sense, you can't have any one character or caste becoming too all-powerful. And I getcha about RE2. It's pretty immersive & cinematically captured, so it is a different gaming experience. I tried part 7 in VR at a convention once and HOLY SHIT has that aesthetic evolved. Definitely will try to track down MediEvil, though! Sounds like a fun blast from the past. Hit up one of the used game shops haha. As for meeee... Star Fox & Mario were big ones growing up. The Metal Gear series for sure.. the last game I beat was Resistance: Fall of Man haha. 😅

I'm always in awe of how deep the Final Fantasy rabbit hole goes haha. Every time I can recall seeing ads for a new game growing up, they all looked wildly different from one another. Although I had no idea birds or bird-breeding of any kind was a thing in any of these games lol. And I guess that would make sense, you can't have any one character or caste becoming too all-powerful. And I getcha about RE2. It's pretty immersive & cinematically captured, so it is a different gaming experience. I tried part 7 in VR at a convention once and HOLY SHIT has that aesthetic evolved. Definitely will try to track down MediEvil, though! Sounds like a fun blast from the past. Hit up one of the used game shops haha. As for meeee... Star Fox & Mario were big ones growing up. The Metal Gear series for sure.. the last game I beat was Resistance: Fall of Man haha. 😅

thereelrejects (edited)

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2021-07-15 05:07:03 Yessss!!! haha that was my sister & I growing up, NES. Playing Mario Bros 3 for HOURS trying to get to the end and never reaching it lol. Weirdly I've only had a few brushes with Zelda over time. I also gotta laugh, because I think the only Sega system we ever owned was a GameGear, which I don't think was the main one people had lol. And one can NEVER forget Goldeneye lol.
2019-08-06 22:36:43 Yessss!!! haha that was my sister & I growing up, NES. Playing Mario Bros 3 for HOURS trying to get to the end and never reaching it lol. Weirdly I've only had a few brushes with Zelda over time. I also gotta laugh, because I think the only Sega system we ever owned was a GameGear, which I don't think was the main one people had lol. And one can NEVER forget Goldeneye lol.

Yessss!!! haha that was my sister & I growing up, NES. Playing Mario Bros 3 for HOURS trying to get to the end and never reaching it lol. Weirdly I've only had a few brushes with Zelda over time. I also gotta laugh, because I think the only Sega system we ever owned was a GameGear, which I don't think was the main one people had lol. And one can NEVER forget Goldeneye lol.