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Thanks for your question, ELLE B.!!!

Which movie have you guys seen the most times?!  Leave it in the comments, people!!!


Elle B Q&A


Michael B.

Weirdly enough, it’s probably a tie between Jurassic Park 2 and Tremors 2 for me! Lol I would always rerun sequels because they don’t typically have the seriousness of the initial films so great for just throwing on!

Elle B.

Oh yay! You answered my question! *lays down banjo* Arkansas is, unfortunately, still a predominately red state if that answers your question. Lol (save me, please) I have actually never seen The Departed or the The Thing, but I know I should! For me it’s also probably A Christmas Story since I watch it every year. But my first DVD I owned when I got my first DVD player in 2003, was Legally Blonde. So I watched the hell out of that movie. My mom and I would also always watch You’ve Got Mail when there was nothing good on TV, which happened a lot. That movie was like comfort food for us.

Elle B.

Love Tremors! That’s a childhood classic for me. Lol

Michael B.

Me too! I love the first one and after 2 it got a little crazy! Made myself sit through the newest one and eyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhh! Haha


Surprisingly for me it's probably Logan, I think I watched it like 6 times already since 2017. The other would be silent voice , an anime movie. Watched it like 7 times. What's funny is that, both films are not very cheerful and enjoyable in traditional sense. But it's just very cathartic experiences

Andrew Nickerson

For me, it has to be Stomp the Yard, Remember the Titans​ or 8-Mile. And I can watch any of those movies again without hesitation.


Haha not bad! Sounds like you love yourself some monsters. Alsooo, I'm gonna have to go back and do some sort of Tremors marathon lol. That's a series I've always been familiar with over the years, but have never actually seen much of. I remember when they were about to revitalize the TV show, but alas... no dice :(


LOL yes, we thought your hands might be getting tired from playing the Deliverance song over and over, so we finally decided to put some proper thought into your question 😝but that is good to know.. if you're ever craving a cooler-hued sensibility, we always got room out this way 😉 And duuude, you've got some treats ahead of you!!! Definitely a couple to add to your must-watch list at some point. Kinda jealous you still get to experience them for the first time! Legally Blonde's a great one, though :) That one's also a family-favorite for me, so I've definitely seen that one more than a few times.. not You've Got Mail, however! That's one I gotta catch up with haha. Sounds like a lovely ritual for you guys, though!


That's definitely an interesting pair, but it sounds like both (I've yet to see A Silent Voice) are definitely worth the repeat viewings. Heard great things about A Silent Voice when it dropped and I know I've seen Logan more than a few times. Sometimes it's that catharsis or just that quality of craft you're craving to revisit. I know my sister likes to unwind to historical documentaries & the like, which can often get... less-than-lighthearted haha. And hey, one'a my picks is a bleak sci-fi/horror movie, so to each their own!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:07:09 Not bad!! Goin' back to our junior high/high school days right there. I feel like we actually watched both Stomp the Yard & Remember the Titans in school at some point haha... definitely not 8 Mile, tho 😅frankly I'm surprised Greg hasn't seen 8 Mile the most times lol. Good picks, mate!
2019-07-29 18:59:31 Not bad!! Goin' back to our junior high/high school days right there. I feel like we actually watched both Stomp the Yard & Remember the Titans in school at some point haha... definitely not 8 Mile, tho 😅frankly I'm surprised Greg hasn't seen 8 Mile the most times lol. Good picks, mate!

Not bad!! Goin' back to our junior high/high school days right there. I feel like we actually watched both Stomp the Yard & Remember the Titans in school at some point haha... definitely not 8 Mile, tho 😅frankly I'm surprised Greg hasn't seen 8 Mile the most times lol. Good picks, mate!

Annie R. James

Embarrassingly enough, it's Twilight, at 23 times. I used to be such a Twi-hard when I was a teenager that I actually counted the number of times. I also think I read the first book, like, 7 times :D


The thing has probably the best opening shot/intro/sequence of all horror movies. Well its either the thing or Alien, lol.

Michael B.

1 and 2 are a great combo from 3 onward it's just a slow decline into camp and then sadness lmao


Daaaamn haha, no shame in the game!! l didn't get to 23, but I used to catch every Repo! The Genetic Opera screening I could find, so we all have our cultish pleasures 😝You should go back n read it again now that it's been a while!

Annie R. James

Man, I returned to it about 3 years ago and turned the whole thing into a drinking game. Unsurprisingly I got quite sloshed, very fast :D