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"Anything For You"

The best episode I've seen of the season thus far!

- With Penguin officially elected Mayor, a new red hood gang emerges with the intent to take down Cobbplepot

- The riffs between Edward & Butch crank up to 100 with jealousy & suspicion

- Bruce hires Jim to track down the missing Ivy...and Jim has some love advice along the way

- Captain Barnes, for some reason, is not telling anyone that Alice's blood fell right into the man's eye but is hoping for some clear answers on her blood


Gotham 3x5 Anything For You Stream Along



Cory Micheal Smith who plays Ed Nygma is such a captivating actor to watch. To see where he was in season 1 and to see how confident the character has become is so good in my opinion, which shows great long form character development. Anyway I've found it hard to talk about things without spoilers this season because there is so much more greatness to come! so i'll Just leave it there for now lol. anyway, cant wait for next week !!


Also just a suggestion but if its possible, i would skip the "previously on Gotham" part. while it doesn't spoil anything outright, they do tend to highlight what the focus of the episode is going to be, and as I've noticed watching ahead they can tend to spoil surprises and what not, if you are able to put 2 and 2 together. Anyway, totally up to you though, i just thought i'd let you know haha


Haha appreciate you keeping things spoiler-free, amigo! But at least for how far I've gotten up til now I can definitely sympathize lol. Love Cory Michael Smith's performance across the show so far as well. Even though I'm still waiting to see him get to more Riddler territory, I do appreciate the long term development. As for the recaps haha, I guess I'll split the difference and try not to read too far into them if I can 😅But usually, just given all the different stuff we watch in a week, I do find it's a good primer for the reaction to have the reminder there. Either way, just shot the next one, so keep your eyes peeled in the next couple of days!!


Ah, yes. The episode that kickstarted Nygmobblepot. You aren't wrong in reading it as homoerotic, and the writers definitely intend for the viewer to pick up on that. Unfortunately, when this episode aired, there was a huge amount of backlash (mostly from Batman fans who didn't actually watch the show) claiming that Penguin and Riddler couldn't be gay, which sucks. As a Baby BatCat shipper, I will always remember this episode fondly for that rooftop scene.


I am so happy that their couple name is "Nygmobblepot" LOL. Frustrating to hear about that backlash though, kinda wish they could have gone all the way with that. Bring a new flavor into the world of these characters. But this is true haha, we'll always have that roof scene :)