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Boy oh boy, think you guys would really enjoy doing this Stream Along with us cause this episode DELIVERED!!!

Reaction Highlights Link is up on youtube! 


Black Mirror 5x1 Full


Gene Geter

That was a trippy episode.

Andrew Nickerson

I just watched all three and I can’t wait to watch this stream-along! I can only imagine how you guy reacted to this episode. Lol

Andrew Nickerson

everytime I try watching one of your stream-along​s, the video you are reacting to doesn't show. All I see is the runtime. Am I doing something wrong?

Gene Geter

Andrew, you match your video to the runtime because of copyright.


Oh damn haha.. we deeefinitely had some big reactions to this one 😅 hope we didn't disappoint! And this is as it should be (regarding the timecode). The Stream-Alongs are essentially us watching/reacting to/commenting on the full-length episode and the timecode is to help you sync the original video on your end so you can watch along with us (since we can't include an entire episode's-worth of footage). HOWEVER! Black Mirror S5 is one of the shows we've been doing highlights for (so far). Those are normally posted here as well, but since the Black Mirror ones are specifically for YouTube in this case, that's why they're not on this feed. Here's the highlights link for this episode if you'd like to see! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4kV1f4RLLM

Andrew Nickerson

Gotcha! Good to know. Highlights were great! Keep up the great work guys!


Wow great reaction! I finally had the time to watch along with you guys and it was so much fun! I can’t wait to watch the rest of the season with you! I Ioved this episode so much!!!!! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop since someone described it as "gross" and "traumatizing" to me but I couldn’t disagree with them more. San Junipero is still my favourite episode in the series, but this might be my second now simply because of the strong statement it makes about sexuality, race, gender, identity and morality. This was really an extension of the themes explored in San Junipero, which is why I loved it so much. It showed how significantly humans are restricted by our physical bodies, the social constructs of race, gender, age and morality. All those concepts exist in our minds only, and when Danny and Karl inhabit their game avatars it underscores how relative everything is. Stripped of their real world bodies and put into these other superhuman, asian, healthy, younger bodies, of a different sex in Karl’s case, what makes them still essentially "male" or "female" or "black" or “middle-aged”? In that space and time, why is Karl still a “man”? Why would any homophobic viewer be uncomfortable with seeing their relationship in the game? Because it's a fully heterosexual relationship that's being portrayed. When they're disembodied nothing confines them to their former social identities anymore but these arbitrary traits we assign to gender i.e. aggression, assertiveness, reticence, authority, egoism, etc. = masculinity; passivity, sensitivity, attentiveness, tenderness, emotional volatility, etc. = femininity. A homophobic viewer who was to only see their relationship in the game without any prior context would not have any negative reaction to it. It’s only when given the full context that they may be disapproving, but that just exposes how arbitrary and insubstantial their hate and prejudice is if the same relationship and scenes can evoke both acceptance and rejection depending on extraneous, intangible information. It’s like seeing what one perceives as a heterosexual couple on the streets, smiling at their displays of affections, and then suddenly feeling uncomfortable or repulsed after learning one or both of them are transgender or transexual, even though nothing outwardly has changed from one second to the next. It’s these impalpable, immeasurable IDEAS of gender and sexuality socialized into us since birth then that bind our minds. Gender and sexuality are not at all as fixed, identifiable, and empirical as conservative, traditionalists would want to believe. So this concept and virtual relationship completely disrupts what we accept as genders, race, and etc. It makes us think about how much we're shackled by the society, culture and norms we fabricate, the enormous power of normality (and the privileged groups who wield it) as a form of social control. It’s poignant because technology, for all its negatives well documented in this show, can help overcome these artificial barriers. It can help people be liberated from their bodies, whether the applicable qualifier is age or gender or disability or etc. — this is actually happening in real life already where virtual reality games are helping people who are paralyzed or otherwise living with a disability or mental illness experience freedom of movement again and a depth of audiovisual stimuli.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:10:55 Really glad you enjoyed them, man!! & glad we could get that cleared up :) We'll do our best & feel free to let us know if ya have any other questions!!
2019-06-22 21:11:21 Really glad you enjoyed them, man!! & glad we could get that cleared up :) We'll do our best & feel free to let us know if ya have any other questions!!

Really glad you enjoyed them, man!! & glad we could get that cleared up :) We'll do our best & feel free to let us know if ya have any other questions!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:10:55 Damn... I don't think I could've said this any better, you broke this down really wonderfully! I think that's another aspect of this episode I really appreciate; that even though we're still watching people warping through interactions with technology, this swings over to a much more empathetic side of the spectrum. (I'm also kicking myself all-the-more for not yet having seen San Junipero as of writing this comment 😅) Funny too, because what you're describing here is something I've been chewing on just in life lately; the idea that a whole lot of our notions of "how things are" and what's "normal" or "natural" are sort of arbitrary & just one out of several possible options and outcomes. And yeah, really loved the way this episode explores and highlights the way our minds and bodies influence the connections we make and how a simple change can alter so much in perception. Y'never know what'll happen when possibilities expand. Thought it was interesting that the connection didn't carry over in person. Still kinda debating that detail in my head (more for what it means to the overall episode than its plausibility as an outcome). I do appreciate the greyness of it. And that they go so far as to touch upon the idea in the coda that these people are all living in a sort of.. more updated, open kind of relationship? At least in a way that seems structured & agreed upon. Alternative relationships always fascinate me when they appear (either in life or fiction), just because the older I get the weirder it seems there ought to be one ideal outcome for that type of connection. Either way, I felt like it wrapped the episode up nicely and kept a sort of forward-thinking trajectory. Despite all the differing opinions & odd reactions to this season, I've really appreciated the experience of watching it for the most part. And this episode I think I legitimately liked a whole lot. Now just gotta catch up with a couple eps from S3, then S4 and Bandersnatch 😅😅 can only do so many Black Mirrors so close together lol. Either way, really enjoyed reading this and hope you're doing well!!!
2019-06-22 21:35:28 Damn... I don't think I could've said this any better, you broke this down really wonderfully! I think that's another aspect of this episode I really appreciate; that even though we're still watching people warping through interactions with technology, this swings over to a much more empathetic side of the spectrum. (I'm also kicking myself all-the-more for not yet having seen San Junipero as of writing this comment 😅) Funny too, because what you're describing here is something I've been chewing on just in life lately; the idea that a whole lot of our notions of "how things are" and what's "normal" or "natural" are sort of arbitrary & just one out of several possible options and outcomes. And yeah, really loved the way this episode explores and highlights the way our minds and bodies influence the connections we make and how a simple change can alter so much in perception. Y'never know what'll happen when possibilities expand. Thought it was interesting that the connection didn't carry over in person. Still kinda debating that detail in my head (more for what it means to the overall episode than its plausibility as an outcome). I do appreciate the greyness of it. And that they go so far as to touch upon the idea in the coda that these people are all living in a sort of.. more updated, open kind of relationship? At least in a way that seems structured & agreed upon. Alternative relationships always fascinate me when they appear (either in life or fiction), just because the older I get the weirder it seems there ought to be one ideal outcome for that type of connection. Either way, I felt like it wrapped the episode up nicely and kept a sort of forward-thinking trajectory. Despite all the differing opinions & odd reactions to this season, I've really appreciated the experience of watching it for the most part. And this episode I think I legitimately liked a whole lot. Now just gotta catch up with a couple eps from S3, then S4 and Bandersnatch 😅😅 can only do so many Black Mirrors so close together lol. Either way, really enjoyed reading this and hope you're doing well!!!

Damn... I don't think I could've said this any better, you broke this down really wonderfully! I think that's another aspect of this episode I really appreciate; that even though we're still watching people warping through interactions with technology, this swings over to a much more empathetic side of the spectrum. (I'm also kicking myself all-the-more for not yet having seen San Junipero as of writing this comment 😅) Funny too, because what you're describing here is something I've been chewing on just in life lately; the idea that a whole lot of our notions of "how things are" and what's "normal" or "natural" are sort of arbitrary & just one out of several possible options and outcomes. And yeah, really loved the way this episode explores and highlights the way our minds and bodies influence the connections we make and how a simple change can alter so much in perception. Y'never know what'll happen when possibilities expand. Thought it was interesting that the connection didn't carry over in person. Still kinda debating that detail in my head (more for what it means to the overall episode than its plausibility as an outcome). I do appreciate the greyness of it. And that they go so far as to touch upon the idea in the coda that these people are all living in a sort of.. more updated, open kind of relationship? At least in a way that seems structured & agreed upon. Alternative relationships always fascinate me when they appear (either in life or fiction), just because the older I get the weirder it seems there ought to be one ideal outcome for that type of connection. Either way, I felt like it wrapped the episode up nicely and kept a sort of forward-thinking trajectory. Despite all the differing opinions & odd reactions to this season, I've really appreciated the experience of watching it for the most part. And this episode I think I legitimately liked a whole lot. Now just gotta catch up with a couple eps from S3, then S4 and Bandersnatch 😅😅 can only do so many Black Mirrors so close together lol. Either way, really enjoyed reading this and hope you're doing well!!!