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This photo was taken October 2017 the day these two got engaged - and yes - I have mentioned this countless times cause I manage to make their engagement about me, I introduced them! And now they're FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!

We  left town this morning, will be back late Sunday evening, and have prepped videos to go up while we are away so please do show your support & give these vids some views and likes!

It's been non stop with shooting & editing so on behalf of both John & I, sincerely apologize for being behind on Messages & Comments, just had to do double duty since we'd be gone for 3 days. 

Looking forward to catching up once we are back - and then of course E3!!!

Much love to you all, enjoy the vids we got going up :)




Wish them the best and give them each a hug from Alisha, Sky, and myself. And Give the most embarrassing speech at the reception 😉. I mean you did cause this, it's your obligation now. 😂

Ryan H

All Might voice "now it's your turn"

David Gandy

Have a safe trip. Best wishes for the happy couple.

Daniel Gallacher

Hope you all have a great day at the wedding. :)


Hahaha appreciate the love, man. Hugs were given, wells were wished, and the speech was... delightful with just the right amount of embarrassing lol. Hope you're doin' well, man!!!


good job man.