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Thanks for the question, ELLE B!

Got any random recommendations for us?!


What Was The Last Thing We Recommended To Each Other?



Is there any kind of schedule? I'm looking for AoT. :D

Heru Muharrar

I’ve recommended this maybe 10 times but I’m more than willing to recommend it again. Agents of SHIELD is the best comic book show of all time (other than animated shows ofc shout out Batman TAS). Season 1 has a slow start but once it hits the Winter Soldier tie in it really knocks it out of the park. Ask Eric from Blind Wave he went as far as to say it’s the best show they’re reacting to.

Elle B.

First off: Your “Arkansas” accent sounded a little like a drunk Andy Griffith. Lmao (And I was actually a line producer, not on camera, but I left that job recently and am looking for a career change!) I have watched Death Note and it is amazing! Glad you’re loving it Greg. If you gave a quick review once you’re finished, I wouldn’t complain. And John, funnily enough, I actually just finished going through all your Hill House reactions and was going to comment on the finale post, but I’ll just go ahead and say here, what an incredible show!


Death Note!


Like posting schedule? At the moment, kiiind of 😅 it's been a bit more loose than usual with Game of Thrones in the mix, but generally: early on in the week is Fullmetal and AoT, mid-late week is stuff like Cobra Kai & Gotham, then weekend-ish is My Hero & Supernatural. Things vary here and there, but that's generally what we aim for at the moment. Hope that helps!!


Hot damn! Well I appreciate you stoking this fire once again! It's actually long been on our short-list of shows to hop on at some point. Mostly just about finding the right moment in relation to our show schedule to do it. So generally can't say if/when it'd happen as of now, but I'd also say Agents of SHIELD reactions are a definitely possibility.


Hahaha this was EXACTLY the goal with that incredible accent 😂😅 And sorry about that!! Good to know, though. What career changes are you considering??? Also Death Note yesssss! I think at least a Patreon review might be a possibility. And really glad you enjoyed Hill House!! Thanks so much for watching along too 😊 I haven't stopped thinking about that show since it finished. SO good!!

Elle B.

Since this post I actually got offered a job doing media relations and handling social media for a landscaping/homebuilding company here where I live! My degree is in PR so I’ve been wanting to get out of the news biz and get back to that. More money, less stress. Lol