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Aloha Patron-O-Jects!

Soooo, if you've been here before, you know how this goes!

If you're brand spanking new, WELCOME! If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave your question in the comment box below :)

Once we hit the LIKE button on your question, that means we've shot a vid for it!

We shoot these a few times a week, goal is to have them all answered & up on Patreon before the end of the month (we usually succeed at this lol)

Submit your questions now!


Evgeny Caruana

Do you think an epilogue or a prologue help make certain movies better or worse in certain cases, and does it determine whether a franchise is stable or not for future projects?

Christopher simeon

What qualities in a tv show do you look for when rating it the best or worst tv show you’ve seen?

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

What do you guys normally do when you feel you "have had enough" of Youtube? What method do you use to let off some steam or frustration? Asking 'cause I'm feeling it with my own channel at the moment lol

Anisa Oliva

What do you feel as though was the key to y’alls friendship and how you have been friends for so long? Do have any advice for someone who is trying to have a lasting friendship as long as y’all have (if that makes sense lol) ? Also small tiny bonus question: is John really that much of a ladykiller as Greg says as much he is haha. Love y’all as always

Michael B.

Who are your celebrity MAN crushes?!

David Gandy

OH NO! The Reel Rejects have been a victim of a crime! Which movie or television police or detective would you want on the case?

Neeraj Krishnan

Someone has placed the magic lamp from Aladdin at your doorstep. What would your 3 wishes be? 3 wishes as a team ,no solo rides allowed.

Elle B.

What would your last meal be if you got to choose one before you kick the bucket?


Thoughts on the arrowverse changing soon? Arrow 's next season is it's last, and next crossover is Crisis on Earth X, known for killing off flash and supergirl

Daniel Gallacher

What fictional world (from any form of media) would you most like to live in?


What movie would you erase from your mind so you could experience it for the first time again?

Corrine DePatra

If you woke up tomorrow a movie star, and could star in a movie opposite someone, who would it be and what genre is your movie? Thanks to you both! 😘😘

Mikael Lindén

Are You looking forward to 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles?

Eric Horstman

With Mean Girls being the latest non-musical movie comedy made into a musical (Legally Blonde another example), what horror movie do you think should/could be musicalized (just made that word up lol?) Oh and can’t say Evil Dead, that was already done believe it or not


Do you guys have any favorite YouTubers? If so are they react channels let’s plays, etc. You guys are still the top of my list , then Markiplier, Mr.Creepypasta and Jacksepticeye