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We're nearing the end of the season, peeps!!

As the Crain family's collective nerves begin to wither, Steven & Hugh head off in search of Luke...  Meanwhile, back at the mortuary, Shirley & Theo share a tense confrontation enhanced by some rather eerie phenomena..

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Hill House 1x8


brittany beyerle

if you remember back to a previous episode, the same thing happened to theo and shirley when they were younger. shirley dreamed about it - theo goes to her room saying that shirley was yelling for her, then all the banging around them happens and their dad blames it on the pipes in the walls. loving these reactions! this show is amazing and i imagine the second season of it will be just as good.


Ahh, you're right!! Waaaay back in episode 2 haha. Really cool they tied that back around, thanks for pointing it out! Really glad you're enjoying the videos, dear!!! This show has been such a treat for me, so I'm glad folks are interested in watching along. Can't wait to see what they come up with for the new season!

Eric Horstman

Here goes... The mental illness theme with Steve has been instilled in him since he was a kid. He was brought up in really a non-religious background (re: episode 1 I think) where you see Mrs Dudley asking him if he ever read the Bible and then Olivia comes in and pretty much shoots her down stating he’s read about all the religions and beliefs that people will try to throw at him. This figures in on why he doesn’t have any problem not believing in the supernatural. Then he has the talk with Mrs “Clara” Dudley about Poppy and William and clinical insanity. Cut to him seeing what looks like his Mom talking to herself and the frightening scene where she smashes the mirror! Hello, of course it all looks like mental illness to him. Kate Siegel, what can I say. Just amazing acting. Theo’s monologue absolutely killed me. It also represents to me depression. The description of feeling nothing, just a black hole of emptiness and not being able to fill it back up with intimacy, or alcohol, nothing works! I’ve lived that, still struggle with it everyday. Every word she said was like she was talking only to me, about me. Gotta say I’m a mess every time I watch that scene. Usually crack open the Jameson Irish Whiskey after that one (currently Jameson and I are friends right now lol) Have you EVER seen a jump scare used in such a fantastic way to continue the story?!! It wasn’t there just to scare the shit out of you (which it does), but it builds into that beautiful scene with Theo and Shirley. Honestly I can’t imagine loving another show as much as I do this one. Westworld comes a close second though. I won’t say too much about episode 9 except that it is one of my favorites! Hold onto your heart

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:14:47 Hey, man!! Sorry I'm a little late with this, but I like this breakdown on Steve's point of view! I know I've said this a lot, but I hope I get to revisit this at some point, because yeah, especially when you start to count up all the subtle details, it does start to make a lot of sense as to why Steve's perspective works the way that it does. And I love that attention to character development across the show. Really encourages you to hone in and absorb as much as possible. And yeah, especially reading this & thinking back, it makes a lot of sense why Steve would be as he is. And why they all would, really. I loved Kate Siegel across this show, and yeah that monologue was really well done. I've definitely had my bouts with depression and I definitely know that empty feeling pretty well, so that resonated a good amount with me also. Definitely seems like whoever wrote that part has definitely lived in it some... it felt very lived in both in the writing of it and her performance. Haha hopefully the Jameson was able to dry your tears this time around 😂 And god, that jump with Nell I think is one of my very favorites of the series - and a standout in general just among all the jump scares I've seen haha. Totally blindsides you, but again motivated by an emotional breaking point. And it was really rewarding to finally see some catharsis between Theo & Shirl. That was a nice turn after everything. ...at least up until that point. And yeah, I think I'm with you - at least from where I'm standing now, I think I'd definitely count this among the best/most memorable shows I've seen thus far. Fascinated by where they'll go with the next season... and Westworld's a great call!! Haven't seen any of the second season yet, but I remember we binged the first like it was nobody's business!! Really appreciate all your love 'n feedback on these, man. Hope you're doin' well & sorry again for the lateness!!
2019-05-06 06:24:21 Hey, man!! Sorry I'm a little late with this, but I like this breakdown on Steve's point of view! I know I've said this a lot, but I hope I get to revisit this at some point, because yeah, especially when you start to count up all the subtle details, it does start to make a lot of sense as to why Steve's perspective works the way that it does. And I love that attention to character development across the show. Really encourages you to hone in and absorb as much as possible. And yeah, especially reading this & thinking back, it makes a lot of sense why Steve would be as he is. And why they all would, really. I loved Kate Siegel across this show, and yeah that monologue was really well done. I've definitely had my bouts with depression and I definitely know that empty feeling pretty well, so that resonated a good amount with me also. Definitely seems like whoever wrote that part has definitely lived in it some... it felt very lived in both in the writing of it and her performance. Haha hopefully the Jameson was able to dry your tears this time around 😂 And god, that jump with Nell I think is one of my very favorites of the series - and a standout in general just among all the jump scares I've seen haha. Totally blindsides you, but again motivated by an emotional breaking point. And it was really rewarding to finally see some catharsis between Theo & Shirl. That was a nice turn after everything. ...at least up until that point. And yeah, I think I'm with you - at least from where I'm standing now, I think I'd definitely count this among the best/most memorable shows I've seen thus far. Fascinated by where they'll go with the next season... and Westworld's a great call!! Haven't seen any of the second season yet, but I remember we binged the first like it was nobody's business!! Really appreciate all your love 'n feedback on these, man. Hope you're doin' well & sorry again for the lateness!!

Hey, man!! Sorry I'm a little late with this, but I like this breakdown on Steve's point of view! I know I've said this a lot, but I hope I get to revisit this at some point, because yeah, especially when you start to count up all the subtle details, it does start to make a lot of sense as to why Steve's perspective works the way that it does. And I love that attention to character development across the show. Really encourages you to hone in and absorb as much as possible. And yeah, especially reading this & thinking back, it makes a lot of sense why Steve would be as he is. And why they all would, really. I loved Kate Siegel across this show, and yeah that monologue was really well done. I've definitely had my bouts with depression and I definitely know that empty feeling pretty well, so that resonated a good amount with me also. Definitely seems like whoever wrote that part has definitely lived in it some... it felt very lived in both in the writing of it and her performance. Haha hopefully the Jameson was able to dry your tears this time around 😂 And god, that jump with Nell I think is one of my very favorites of the series - and a standout in general just among all the jump scares I've seen haha. Totally blindsides you, but again motivated by an emotional breaking point. And it was really rewarding to finally see some catharsis between Theo & Shirl. That was a nice turn after everything. ...at least up until that point. And yeah, I think I'm with you - at least from where I'm standing now, I think I'd definitely count this among the best/most memorable shows I've seen thus far. Fascinated by where they'll go with the next season... and Westworld's a great call!! Haven't seen any of the second season yet, but I remember we binged the first like it was nobody's business!! Really appreciate all your love 'n feedback on these, man. Hope you're doin' well & sorry again for the lateness!!


Hands down most devastating jump scare I have ever experienced. One of the only times I have ever jumped out of my seat while watching a show.