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Thanks for your question, JORGE LUQUE!!!

...how are you guys doing?!  Update us on your lives down in the comments!!!


Jorge Luque Q&A


Heru Muharrar

Wow dude you guys won't live together anymore? Is that going to change the channel a bit =(? Regardless happy for both of you enbarking on new parts of your lives.


Glad to see you guys are doing well! Moving can be nuts at times, but it can also be fun. Hope all goes well with finding a place.


I knoooow, times they are a-changin'! I imagine it'll change some of the logistics a bit, but even these days we have a sort of semi-standard business schedule, so I don't anticipate a drastic overhaul or anything like that. But either way, should be an interesting new chapter... onward & upward!


Thanks, mate!! Hoping for more of the fun side than the nuts side with all that'll be going on, but either way it'll be an adventure. Hope you're doing well, yourself, bud!!


Thank you, things are going pretty well. Just working a lot at the job and on Movie Battleground.

Jorge Luque

I couldn't think of anything else to ask so I just threw this one out there lol Glad to hear things are going well. Change can be a terrifying thing, but it often times leads to growth. Hope everything keeps going well and gets even better.


Haha no worries, man! Was a fun change of pace. And right you are! Hoping for good things on the horizon 😊