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Happy Monday, Patron-O-Jects!

As the Crain Family finally lays Nell to rest, we dive into the past - and present - of the family's troubled patriarch, Hugh...

Join me for another heart-wrencher!


Un-used thumbs!!!


Hill House 1x7 - "Eulogy"


Jorge Luque

The first scene the cop was acting kind because at that moment they didn't have evidence that Hugh committed any crime. Hugh volunteered to answer questions, which is why the officer kept clarifying that he wasn't arrested. He was just trying to make sure he didn't do anything that would make Hugh want to leave. Stalling is a pretty common technique officers use to throw suspects off, which is why he purposely came back with the coffee but no cream and sugar. Luke did a lot with the limited screen time they gave him. He had the closest connection to Nell so he's the one I've been gravitating toward during this funeral. His story made me tear up a bit. That last line is a gut punch. Hugh is the family member on the outside looking in so it's appropriate that we get his detached perspective in this episode. Watching him try to find any small way to connect with children was rough. The segments of the episode in the past were pretty simple. The monologue was great. The one thing from the black mold situation that struck me was when they said there were "veins" of mold. I took that as them trying to tell us that the house was alive.

brittany beyerle

you were exactly right in saying that the body they found was of the man luke was seeing. if you go back to the nell episode when she shows mrs. dudley the tea set she found, mrs. dudley tells her about mr. and mrs. hill and shows her a picture of them - mr. hill has on the hat that luke claims, that the ghost them comes back to get. this show is the most consistently good show i've ever watched. every episode is amazing, so don't worry about the last few episodes. they only get better.

Eric Horstman

Not sure if anyone has told you yet, but the actor playing young Hugh is Henry Thomas, from my fave movie growing up, E.T. I wanted to be Elliott when I was a kid lol Aside from Luke’s eulogy (which I bawled at as usual), the monologue from Mr. Dudley (first name is Horace btw) just gripped the hell out of me. First rate acting! Like you mentioned, even the still moments can be just as moving and scary as full out horror and ghostly apparitions. And just to mention Carla Gugino is not only brilliant playing out Olivia’s decline, but damn she’s hot...it’s a shame I’m gay, not that she’d give me the time of day lol On to episode 8! Can’t wait for this one.. you may want to take a Valium after!


That makes sense, yeah, with the coffee and everything. Just something about his demeanor got me curious because aspects of it seemed genuinely kinda friendly/concerned, but at the same time there's still some awkward tension in the room. Just wondering what's going on under his surface, I guess. How much is genuine and how much is good-cop haha. Either way, really enjoyed that actor's performance. I love Luke so much haha. He breaks my heart a lot, but that actor always nails it - like you said, even with limited screen-time he brings a whole lot to it. And yeah, loved the way Hugh's perspective is sort of orchestrated at a distance from everybody. Especially moving into the next episode, Timothy Hutton's really been killing it too. Love how subtle and effortless he is in this. I like your take on the black mold - I gotta imagine there's at very least an intentional nod to anatomy with the different veins of mold. Just that nasty mental image of a body with black, rotted veins where the blood ought to be... 😰and yeah, contributes to the otherworldly "living" quality the house has.. Good call, man!


Ahhh, that's right!! Appreciate the memory jog 😊This is a season I'm definitely looking forward to revisiting sometime so I can catch all the fine details and pick up some more of the hidden gems and everything. Love that subtle through-line, though! That's how I've been feeling so far! Glad to hear it finishes with a bang!! I really is impressive just how rich and crafted they've managed to make this. I don't want to speak too soon, but I'd dare say this will become a favorite of mine. Appreciate you checking out the stream-along!!! :)

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:15:10 Yes!! I finally figured it out the other day haha, but I appreciate you keeping me up to snuff! Tooootally blew my mind for a minute when I finally learned 😅 He's really great in this, though. Glad he decided to stick with it all this time! LOVE the monologue from Horace (bless you for also filling in my name blanks lol), he delivered that with such life & poise. Like you said, GRIPPED! I'm thrilled we share a crush on Carla Gugino hahaha 😝 She is stunning and I also gotta commend her for her work in this because not only is she great, but I also just admire her for taking on the small (in terms of screen-time), but VITALLY important role. Probably one of my favorite performances of hers thus far. Aaaand episode 8 just went up today... now may be a good time to pass that Valium 😅😱😵
2019-04-02 02:40:56 Yes!! I finally figured it out the other day haha, but I appreciate you keeping me up to snuff! Tooootally blew my mind for a minute when I finally learned 😅 He's really great in this, though. Glad he decided to stick with it all this time! LOVE the monologue from Horace (bless you for also filling in my name blanks lol), he delivered that with such life & poise. Like you said, GRIPPED! I'm thrilled we share a crush on Carla Gugino hahaha 😝 She is stunning and I also gotta commend her for her work in this because not only is she great, but I also just admire her for taking on the small (in terms of screen-time), but VITALLY important role. Probably one of my favorite performances of hers thus far. Aaaand episode 8 just went up today... now may be a good time to pass that Valium 😅😱😵

Yes!! I finally figured it out the other day haha, but I appreciate you keeping me up to snuff! Tooootally blew my mind for a minute when I finally learned 😅 He's really great in this, though. Glad he decided to stick with it all this time! LOVE the monologue from Horace (bless you for also filling in my name blanks lol), he delivered that with such life & poise. Like you said, GRIPPED! I'm thrilled we share a crush on Carla Gugino hahaha 😝 She is stunning and I also gotta commend her for her work in this because not only is she great, but I also just admire her for taking on the small (in terms of screen-time), but VITALLY important role. Probably one of my favorite performances of hers thus far. Aaaand episode 8 just went up today... now may be a good time to pass that Valium 😅😱😵

Eric Horstman

Here ya go 💊 lol Can’t wait to watch it on Saturday, this week can’t go by fast enough! Btw, not sure if you’ve seen Gerald’s Game (also by Mike Flanagan) but it’s a must for Carla fan(atics) And both Kate Siegel and Henry Thomas have small roles in it. If you’ve seen it just skip this part lol