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It's a new week, peeps!

At long last, the remaining Crain Family members are congregated together under one roof to view the body & mourn the loss of their youngest sister, Nell...  Naturally tensions begin to run a little high...

Also this episode has some subtly amazing visual compositions, so look out for that..

Join me!!



Hill House 1x6 Stream Along


Evgeny Caruana

I really love this show, it actually deprived me of sleep for 2 whole days after watching it lol. It is a truly "nipple chills" kind of series hahaha and as scary as ever with every few minutes as each episode goes. I really love the way they portrayed the red room, and it's real meaning behind it, I will not go into it because of spoilers xD. Last but not least, this episode was great it had me really intrigued for the next episode hahaha, and it was extremely shocking with hair-raising moments. Looking forward to see what you think when the meaning of everything in this series comes to light. ;)


A nipple chills kind of series on every conceivable level!! (...at least as I've experienced it so far haha.) Really been loving the show as well! Could definitely see this being an all-time favorite. Just so well-conceived, and crafted, and all that - not to mention nuanced. Haha very much appreciate you avoiding spoilers, but I gotta imagine whatever the Red Room is/represents will be something I'm unprepared for. Love the way they've handled it up until this point, tho - this ominous presence just upstairs... And yeah, just loved the way too that this episode really kept you in the room with everybody. Thought it was really clever to shoot it kinda like a play with all those long takes and steadicam shots. Definitely made the hair-raising moments that-much-more hair-raising haha. Feels like it's gone by really fast, but we still got a few eps left. Really glad you're enjoying these & I can't wait to see where it all ends up!! :)

Jorge Luque

Yeah this is my favorite episode of the series. I remember just sitting down in silence for a few minutes after I was finished with this episode because I was so emotionally drained. It looked like it took a bit of a toll on you too. Everything from the cinematography to the dialogue is just amazing. The ending note of Nell being there just trying to get her family to stop fighting and having it run parallel to the storm when she was younger is brilliant. I've said it before, but I love the way that this show can take horror and turn it into something beautiful. Everyone is coping with this situation in different ways. I like how Shirley says she hopes Luke doesn't mess this up and it was actually every sibling not named Luke that landed up ruining it. Shout out to Kevin for trying to hold everything together by getting people food lol Loved seeing more of present day Hugh. His presence automatically adds tension being that there is this obvious resentment that the kids have toward him. He tried to speak up and tell Steven the truth but no one other than Luke bought into it.

Eric Horstman

What an amazing episode. Just beautifully written, acted and directed. I’ve never had a show draw me in so deeply and so quickly that I care so much what happens to these characters. Probably why I’m an emotional wreck every time I watch it lol When Steven screams the wrong parent died and the casket falls, wow, just wow. Imagine all the pent up anger in him. After all he is the oldest (along with Shirley) and has the most memories of his mother. To lose her and never be told what happened to her... I definitely understand where he’s coming from and why he persists with the mental illness theory. It’s very easy to believe someone is mentally ill when their actions completely suggest it and you don’t believe in ghosts. (Personally both my grandmother on my fathers side and my dad both suffered from it...good luck to me lol) The ending though, with ghost Nell standing by dead body Nell and the voiceover of young Nell..no one can see me...I was gone at that point Not sure if you noticed, but when Hugh first walks over to the casket and they pan over the whole family, did you see Nell standing in the background?? (This was right before Hugh goes looking for the bathroom) just another heartbreaking moment that lets you know Nell is there watching her family implode. I believe it was Olivia who Steven sees and also she was the one who put the buttons on Nell’s eyes. After all her nickname for Nell was Buttons. Carla Gugino basically said that it was Olivia. There is so much coming up and I can’t wait for you watch it!


Yeah man, this one definitely took a toll on me haha. I feel like that's kinda gonna be the case from here on 😅but yeah, this was a very impactful episode on so many levels. Even in the afterlife, Nell just wants her family to stop squabbling and just be together. Completely missed her at first in the back of that one group shot part way thru the episode. Wasn't until I made the thumbnail that I saw her, plain as day, standing in the background. I'm right there with you re: the beauty of it all. They really know how to take these things and make them so resonant and personal. Love too that they just let all the characters really be characters with their own fleshed-out lives and perspectives. Really helps all the conflict to feel lived-in. And that's a great observation re: Luke haha. The one guy everyone's worried about keeps the calmest in this shit-storm. And gotta love Kevin in waiter mode lol. Love that we're starting to get more with Hugh now, too. Seems like the room definitely changes when he's around.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:15:38 Haha I certainly can't blame you being a wreck each time, these episodes are intense!! Loving that catharsis, though. And just the joy of seeing some truly top-notch storytelling/filmmaking. Funny thing about that shot haha (the one with Nell in the background before Hugh wanders off), I COMPLETELY missed it during the actual episode, but caught it IMMEDIATELY when I went to make the thumbnail for this video lol. I felt quite silly in that moment, but also - what a great shot! And all-the-more heartbreaking in context. Appreciate your thoughts on Steven as well - I hadn't thought of it directly, but it makes sense he'd have had the most time & arguably clearest memories of his mom. And yeah, especially with Luke's storyline, their parents, and now Nell, it makes a lot of sense he'd be coming from the mental illness standpoint. Still though, that confrontation at the end is so hard to stomach. And god yeah, that ending note when they're cutting back and forth with the flashback - I don't blame you being overcome! I still wanna go back and see if I can pick out anyone or anything in the background laying down the buttons, but Olivia certainly sounds like a decent theory. Certainly wouldn't put that past her/them (especially now if Carla Gugino says so haha). Appreciate you watching with me as always, man! Always enjoy reading your thoughts. Next one just went up yesterday.. can't believe we're almost at the end, but SO excited to continue the journey.
2019-03-26 17:31:53 Haha I certainly can't blame you being a wreck each time, these episodes are intense!! Loving that catharsis, though. And just the joy of seeing some truly top-notch storytelling/filmmaking. Funny thing about that shot haha (the one with Nell in the background before Hugh wanders off), I COMPLETELY missed it during the actual episode, but caught it IMMEDIATELY when I went to make the thumbnail for this video lol. I felt quite silly in that moment, but also - what a great shot! And all-the-more heartbreaking in context. Appreciate your thoughts on Steven as well - I hadn't thought of it directly, but it makes sense he'd have had the most time & arguably clearest memories of his mom. And yeah, especially with Luke's storyline, their parents, and now Nell, it makes a lot of sense he'd be coming from the mental illness standpoint. Still though, that confrontation at the end is so hard to stomach. And god yeah, that ending note when they're cutting back and forth with the flashback - I don't blame you being overcome! I still wanna go back and see if I can pick out anyone or anything in the background laying down the buttons, but Olivia certainly sounds like a decent theory. Certainly wouldn't put that past her/them (especially now if Carla Gugino says so haha). Appreciate you watching with me as always, man! Always enjoy reading your thoughts. Next one just went up yesterday.. can't believe we're almost at the end, but SO excited to continue the journey.

Haha I certainly can't blame you being a wreck each time, these episodes are intense!! Loving that catharsis, though. And just the joy of seeing some truly top-notch storytelling/filmmaking. Funny thing about that shot haha (the one with Nell in the background before Hugh wanders off), I COMPLETELY missed it during the actual episode, but caught it IMMEDIATELY when I went to make the thumbnail for this video lol. I felt quite silly in that moment, but also - what a great shot! And all-the-more heartbreaking in context. Appreciate your thoughts on Steven as well - I hadn't thought of it directly, but it makes sense he'd have had the most time & arguably clearest memories of his mom. And yeah, especially with Luke's storyline, their parents, and now Nell, it makes a lot of sense he'd be coming from the mental illness standpoint. Still though, that confrontation at the end is so hard to stomach. And god yeah, that ending note when they're cutting back and forth with the flashback - I don't blame you being overcome! I still wanna go back and see if I can pick out anyone or anything in the background laying down the buttons, but Olivia certainly sounds like a decent theory. Certainly wouldn't put that past her/them (especially now if Carla Gugino says so haha). Appreciate you watching with me as always, man! Always enjoy reading your thoughts. Next one just went up yesterday.. can't believe we're almost at the end, but SO excited to continue the journey.


Talk about buyer's remorse