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"No Exits" 

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/322510418/ce2ccc6284

REVIEW Of Episode Begins At: 42min 8 Seconds


A supernatural entity is killing girls in an apartment building located in Philadelphia. It's up to Sam, Dean, and Jo (Hot Blonde Daughter from that bar) to solve the case!


Supernatural 2x6 NO EXITS Stream Along


brittany beyerle

ha! greg seemed to touch on what a lot of supernatural fans feel, confused about john winchester. like i said, there's a big split in the supernatural community about whether he was a great father or a horrible father. i personally don't think he was a bad person, but i don't like how he raised his boys. of course there's more to it as the series goes on and you learn more bits of information. something to look forward to - the next episode features an adult linda blair. yep, the same linda blair who was the child in 'the exorcist'.

Dani S

I totally agree this episode felt really weird. I think it mainly has to do with the fact that Sam is barely in it. This show is supposed to be about the brothers and this episode kind of seemed like the Dean or Jo show. Which I love Dean and Jo's a really fun character but it would have fit better if Sam was given something important to do in this episode as well.


Ahh yeah haha, I can definitely see that being a hotly-debated issue among fans 😅 I'm sure there's a whole lot we don't know yet, but I'm kinda with you at the moment. In some ways I like John a lot, but... seems like he could definitely have been a better father.. Although, I guess there's no ideal way when your job is demon-hunting. 🤔 And I thought that's who I saw in the thumbnail!! Pretty awesome they got her to jump on, especially so early into the show. Can't wait to see what she brings to the next one :)

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:16:14 Glad it's not just us! I think that's a pretty good take, regarding Sam. Felt like he was just kinda "there" a lot of the time. Wonder if he maybe had some sorta scheduling conflict or something like that? Did enjoy some of Dean & Jo's back 'n forth, though. Excited to see Linda Blair in the next one, though!!
2019-03-12 18:59:49 Glad it's not just us! I think that's a pretty good take, regarding Sam. Felt like he was just kinda "there" a lot of the time. Wonder if he maybe had some sorta scheduling conflict or something like that? Did enjoy some of Dean & Jo's back 'n forth, though. Excited to see Linda Blair in the next one, though!!

Glad it's not just us! I think that's a pretty good take, regarding Sam. Felt like he was just kinda "there" a lot of the time. Wonder if he maybe had some sorta scheduling conflict or something like that? Did enjoy some of Dean & Jo's back 'n forth, though. Excited to see Linda Blair in the next one, though!!