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So, this was a bit of an experiment...  😅

Given all the craziness surrounding the new Marvel joint this week, we decided to experiment and address some of the controversy that's found its way into our own comment section.

Postin' here for ya guys, but if ya wouldn't mind giving the vid a like on YouTube (...or dislike if you don't like our opinions lol), we'd very much appreciate that!!!



The controversy surrounding Captain Marvel is greatly reflected in the comments of our "not so negative" Movie Review - so here's our response to them! #CaptainMarvel #Feminism #BrieLarson Non Spoiler Review:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5f8hSq_ms8 Spoiler Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OshoyD_HL0M Become A Patron-O-Ject Supporter For Full Length T.V. Show REACTIONS & Q&A'S!!! https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects DOWNLOAD & FOLLOW US on the STARDUST APP: https://stardust.app.link/ReelRejects Follow TheReelRejects On FACEBOOK, TWITTER, & INSTAGRAM: FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheReelRejects/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/reelrejects/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thereelrejects Follow GREG On INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thegregalba/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thegregalba Follow JOHN HUMPHREY On INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: Twitter: https://twitter.com/datjohnhumphrey Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/datjohnhumphrey/ PLAYLISTS: Trailer Reactions & Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw9ZsLdoAQFpx38s2hhyFgDe Movie Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw-comtadVs8b9JsZEWHUyr8 Movie Talk (News, Spoiler Reviews, & Film Rumors!!!): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw8fPQ-21NVSb2IOwIiHbVt8 Youtube Video Reactions & Discussions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw_qwcPsN_vOxXC6IVzrOQYG Sketches & Short Films: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw_zWuTRfBOUP3aYyIYRzc2y Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-bIhJVeYWw9TdRZC0NvGLve0eNWmUjzs


Jorge Luque

Definitely an important video to make considering all of the controversy surrounding Captain Marvel. I work with a website that has a youtube channel that's been feeding off of this Captain Marvel hate. It's been frustrating seeing our audience change to this mob of people who have unjustified hate toward Brie Larson and the movie. Part of me wanted to troll them and write a 10/10 Captain Marvel review, but that wouldn't be honest lol I just can't wait for this drama to die down. I appreciate the honesty from you guys. Expect some of your words to be taken out of context to make you look like shills lol

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Genuine question, why do people in the US (from what I've seen anyway) tend to connect a film to a controversy so much? I'm so tired of them. I want filmgoers to care only about the films themselves. Not politics, propaganda, etc.

Elle B.

Loved this type of honest discussion video. I haven’t seen CM yet, but I plan to because I want to support the cast and everyone who worked on it. I just wish people would pick up a book, read an article or, hey, listen to a rational woman telling you about diversity that’s needed! Brie explained everything perfectly in her original quote. There’s a saying “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression,” which is what I feel like a lot of these people angry at Brie are experiencing. I remember I took a women’s history course in college and my professor asked us “What does feminism mean to you?” And I answered that feminism, to me, means to examine what’s popular, question people in power and to lift up the voices of the minority, not talk over them. One of the reasons I like following you guys is because I trust your judgement and honesty.


Aw, thanks man 💙 wanted to at least take the opportunity to do something different & hopefully worthwhile. Haven't checked the comments on it since the weekend, but at least on the initial post it was nice to see a surprising amount of positive (or at least even-handed) feedback. Sorry to hear you've been dealing with it too on your end 😣 gotta be a bit gruel to dredge so much out of that. Definitely feel ya on that struggle of temptation haha. I really hate when movies turn into ordeals like this, but I'm glad you're stickin' to your honest opinion. We should all be able to put that out there without the vitriol. Very much looking forward to when this all blows over 😅😵


That's an excellent question and to be honest, I'm not really sure what the answer is, ultimately. We, as a culture, can get very riled up and fandom has been sort of warping into a very Serious. kind of thing.. or at least a thing that some people take more seriously than is probably reasonable or healthy. I feel like there are some legitimate discussions to be had about the politics of certain films, but I don't get why ugly situations like these arise where it's not even about the movie, really, because only a handful of people have even seen it. Ghostbusters comes to mind.. as does The Last Jedi, although the backlash there happened after its release. As best I can gather, people feel personally attacked by.. an array of things. Star Wars fans, as far as I can tell, felt insulted by The Last Jedi. Comic book fans seem divided on Captain Marvel - some hate it because of Brie Larson's comments (which sorta goes back to your point of "let's just make this about the movie") - and then I gather some hate it because they perceive it as being an affront to their male experience from a sort of "feminazi" perspective. And social media doesn't help. Arguments explode and prism outward and a lot of people want to get the satisfaction of a quip in rather than just getting to the point or discussing anything. But yeah.. long story short, I generally fall more in your direction. There's no reason movies should become this insane source of angst and vitriol (unless there's, like, some *actual* crime displayed onscreen or something). Mostly just goes to suck all the life out of the experience. Even having enjoyed Captain Marvel, I can't wait to not have to think about it anymore.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:16:16 Aw, thank you 💙 That's a big responsibility, but I think the both of us really appreciate it :) And while I'm no expert, I think your take on the subject of feminism is pretty great. That's what kinda burns my head up is that if a lot of these people we see in the comments actually understood even the *basic* nugget of the theory, all of this could be different. I guess it's hard to open your mind up to potentially challenging ideas or new perspectives - and that's a great quote regarding equality & oppression.. I can definitely see that playing a part in all this. And while I don't want to tone-police, I guess I also see that as a hazard of the frequent use of "xx year-old white dude" as a slag-off. Just because I gotta imagine that, for a certain percentage of those people, that's the trigger that doubles down the negative response. So they see the "I don't care about a 40 year old white dude's opinion," zero in on that, and block out all the rest. And that's something I don't quite know the answer to, because it's unreasonable lol and white dudes also need to hear it, in one fashion or another.. but yeah, I guess when you're used to never being called-out or challenged, it's a rude awakening. These things all kinda serve to make me that-much-more-conscious of the hazards that exist in the ways we talk to one another, because there are ways in which we all don't help ourselves and maybe those could be the difference that helps bring folks together, but.. I'm rambling now, so I'll digress. We were pretty jittery posting this, but I'm really glad you enjoyed it. And I hope you enjoy Captain Marvel when you get to see it! In the meantime we'll do our best to stay on the up-and-up :)
2019-03-12 19:51:44 Aw, thank you 💙 That's a big responsibility, but I think the both of us really appreciate it :) And while I'm no expert, I think your take on the subject of feminism is pretty great. That's what kinda burns my head up is that if a lot of these people we see in the comments actually understood even the *basic* nugget of the theory, all of this could be different. I guess it's hard to open your mind up to potentially challenging ideas or new perspectives - and that's a great quote regarding equality & oppression.. I can definitely see that playing a part in all this. And while I don't want to tone-police, I guess I also see that as a hazard of the frequent use of "xx year-old white dude" as a slag-off. Just because I gotta imagine that, for a certain percentage of those people, that's the trigger that doubles down the negative response. So they see the "I don't care about a 40 year old white dude's opinion," zero in on that, and block out all the rest. And that's something I don't quite know the answer to, because it's unreasonable lol and white dudes also need to hear it, in one fashion or another.. but yeah, I guess when you're used to never being called-out or challenged, it's a rude awakening. These things all kinda serve to make me that-much-more-conscious of the hazards that exist in the ways we talk to one another, because there are ways in which we all don't help ourselves and maybe those could be the difference that helps bring folks together, but.. I'm rambling now, so I'll digress. We were pretty jittery posting this, but I'm really glad you enjoyed it. And I hope you enjoy Captain Marvel when you get to see it! In the meantime we'll do our best to stay on the up-and-up :)

Aw, thank you 💙 That's a big responsibility, but I think the both of us really appreciate it :) And while I'm no expert, I think your take on the subject of feminism is pretty great. That's what kinda burns my head up is that if a lot of these people we see in the comments actually understood even the *basic* nugget of the theory, all of this could be different. I guess it's hard to open your mind up to potentially challenging ideas or new perspectives - and that's a great quote regarding equality & oppression.. I can definitely see that playing a part in all this. And while I don't want to tone-police, I guess I also see that as a hazard of the frequent use of "xx year-old white dude" as a slag-off. Just because I gotta imagine that, for a certain percentage of those people, that's the trigger that doubles down the negative response. So they see the "I don't care about a 40 year old white dude's opinion," zero in on that, and block out all the rest. And that's something I don't quite know the answer to, because it's unreasonable lol and white dudes also need to hear it, in one fashion or another.. but yeah, I guess when you're used to never being called-out or challenged, it's a rude awakening. These things all kinda serve to make me that-much-more-conscious of the hazards that exist in the ways we talk to one another, because there are ways in which we all don't help ourselves and maybe those could be the difference that helps bring folks together, but.. I'm rambling now, so I'll digress. We were pretty jittery posting this, but I'm really glad you enjoyed it. And I hope you enjoy Captain Marvel when you get to see it! In the meantime we'll do our best to stay on the up-and-up :)

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

I sort of see it the same way as well tbh. It's a shame that we can no longer enjoy these movies without thinking about such hate. I can say that I don't look forward to comic book films as much anymore because of all the controversies surrounding them prior releases. Although I'm not so active in such discussions, seeing them everywhere on the internet is equally bad. Hope things get better but I doubt it would happen.


Yeah, I feel ya :-/ Makes everything kinda wrought and ugly where it doesn't need to be. For as much as we both enjoyed Captain Marvel, by the end of its opening weekend we were both in that place of just not wanting to hear anything about it again for a good, long while. And yeah, the more times this happens, the harder it becomes to get excited. Generally, I don't think we're taught very well, culturally, to agree-to-disagree... or to talk to people we don't understand with a baseline respect. Like.. there's gotta be a way, but.. yeah, I'm not expecting us to find it anytime in the near future.