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"Simon Said"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINKhttps://vimeo.com/321003875/52377f7610


Sam's visions return, he and Dean are propelled toward Guthrie, Oklahoma to investigate a vicious murder/suicide with a mysterious motivation...

Join us for s'more SUPERNATURAL!!!


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Supernatural 2x5 "Simon Said" - STREAM ALONG!!!



Aaaactually, y'all knew it was mind control because the episode is called "Simon Says"....

brittany beyerle

you got that he was mind controlling the guy to give him his coffee, but the timeline was off. in sam's vision the doctor shot up the place and then killed himself but you didn't realize that the doctor was still alive when they were actually there - so sam's vision was seeing the future. it's why sam pulled the alarm at the store where the doctor bought the gun, and why things changed and the doctor ended up stepping in front of the oncoming bus. also, kim manners was a man who was a large part of supernatural and he passed away in 2009. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Manners" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Manners</a> just thought you guys might want to know about that. &lt;3


Oh, snap!! Appreciate the info, dear! (And nice to see hear from you again 😊) Sad to hear he's no longer with us 😣appreciate you sending this over, though. His direction's definitely left an impression on us for this show. And appreciate the clarifier! I think we caught the nature of the premonition, itself, but the confusion came when sorta figuring out at which point they would've known mind control was what they're dealing with - if that makes sense? Like when they're staking him out and such. I think Greg was taken aback that they didn't just intervene on the Andrew character before it even got to the scene in the hardware store with the doctor. Either way, though, you always do a good job keeping us on track - so really appreciate your insight :) Been LOVING the season so far, so very excited to keep on truckin'!

Rue Surnameunimportant

I loveee this episode. It's about Sam warring with himself and realizing there isn't simply one path, that two identical twins just as cursed would choose such polar opposite paths. Not just that, but Ansem was highly influenced nurture-wise, so he might have been much like Andy without that pressure. It doesn't really matter when it comes to the mind-control aspect, but since it was a point of contention, hmm. I'd say it was also that Dean ordinarily drives and they didn't want people to die??? I mean, as far as they know the dude was about to kill someone and then himself, and it was time-constraining. It requires thinking in the moment as the character as well -- not just the ideal. Kinda like when people say they would be the hero in a shooting... prooooobably not.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:16:40 Yesss! That's a good point about the nurture aspect w/ Ansem. I admit some of the details are fuzzy in my mind here as we've only seen these the once so far, but I definitely recall this episode 😅 especially for its emotional intensity. I can't recall what exactly was with Dean &amp; the car (other than when Andy mind controls it from him &amp; then him getting it back), but I think there were some moments early on in this episode where we may not have quite interpreted certain plot-points the right way. I think the issue became whether or not Sam could tell mind control was involved from the visions - but skimming back, we may have been getting ahead of things. And that's a fair point too re: in-the-moment thinking vs. the ideal cool-headed response. Appreciate your feedback either way, tho! Glad to have you watching along with us :) Loved what Jared Padalecki had to work with in this episode. And the way you have two sets of brothers who wound up very different, but could've been unnervingly similar... good stuff!!
2019-08-19 21:20:33 Yesss! That's a good point about the nurture aspect w/ Ansem. I admit some of the details are fuzzy in my mind here as we've only seen these the once so far, but I definitely recall this episode 😅 especially for its emotional intensity. I can't recall what exactly was with Dean & the car (other than when Andy mind controls it from him & then him getting it back), but I think there were some moments early on in this episode where we may not have quite interpreted certain plot-points the right way. I think the issue became whether or not Sam could tell mind control was involved from the visions - but skimming back, we may have been getting ahead of things. And that's a fair point too re: in-the-moment thinking vs. the ideal cool-headed response. Appreciate your feedback either way, tho! Glad to have you watching along with us :) Loved what Jared Padalecki had to work with in this episode. And the way you have two sets of brothers who wound up very different, but could've been unnervingly similar... good stuff!!

Yesss! That's a good point about the nurture aspect w/ Ansem. I admit some of the details are fuzzy in my mind here as we've only seen these the once so far, but I definitely recall this episode 😅 especially for its emotional intensity. I can't recall what exactly was with Dean & the car (other than when Andy mind controls it from him & then him getting it back), but I think there were some moments early on in this episode where we may not have quite interpreted certain plot-points the right way. I think the issue became whether or not Sam could tell mind control was involved from the visions - but skimming back, we may have been getting ahead of things. And that's a fair point too re: in-the-moment thinking vs. the ideal cool-headed response. Appreciate your feedback either way, tho! Glad to have you watching along with us :) Loved what Jared Padalecki had to work with in this episode. And the way you have two sets of brothers who wound up very different, but could've been unnervingly similar... good stuff!!