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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/317737694


Sam & Dean must confront the vampire world again - but this time they cross paths with a new hunter played by STERLING K. BROWN!!!

***As a heads up, from 23min to 22min 50 Seconds - there's a skip. I accidentally hit a button on the keyboard that jumped those 10 seconds. Sorry about that! It readjusts in the time code so it'd just take some slight tweaking.


Stream Along SUPERNATURAL 2x3 BloodLust



I think the "vampire hunters" as a term relates to how vampires are one of the few monsters we've seen so far in the show that turn humans into them, and so there are more of them and they are more of a "breed" than a "type" of monster. Think about how Gordon got into hunting- his family was killed by vampires and his sister was turned. As opposed to other supernatural beings like ghosts who kill people at random, but then when the ghost gets ganked, that's it. You can keep hunting other ghosts, but it's not as personal as saying "I'm going to systematically rid the world of vampires" which is actually a possible thing to do and IS something that Gordon and Elkins and others like them who specialized in hunting vampires almost DID (according to John Winchester in "Dead Man's Blood"). Ghosts will always happen as long as there are people. Vampires are a plague.


No spoilers but yeah...Gordon will definitely be back.

Elle B.

Sterling K. Brown is amazing. I know Gordon is supposed to be unhinged so his logic is skewed, but one thing I kept thinking while he was explaining why they should all be exterminated was: these vampires didn’t choose to be vampires. They were likely turned against their will. And in this case these vampires are trying to hold onto their humanity, so why should they be punished? And like Sam said, they’re job is hunting and killing evil. Not torturing supernatural beings and getting glee from it like Gordon does. Great episode. Jensen Ackles really gets to flex his acting chops in this season, you will not be disappointed. Lol


Oooh, good to know! Definitely gonna look forward to some more emotional Dean moments then haha. And yeah, I love that Sam draws that line between Evil and the Supernatural. Seems like a nice nuance and a good way to expand the outlook a little now that we're in a new season. That's a good point about the vampires as well. I guess I doubt it'd change Godon's mind at all as he basically committed to killing his sister the second she became one, but.. it is a good point that I'd imagine a good majority of them didn't ask for this. I feel like that's a fascinating aspect of vampire lore - the idea that, depending on whose take you're looking at, it sorta becomes this ailment that makes you not-quite-human anymore, but still kinda? And I gotta imagine this isn't the last we've seen of the vamps in this show, so I'm looking forward to how this maybe factors in in the future (and with other potential creatures as well). Also liked that the torture element was a big part of the kicker in that scene leading up to the climax. It's like even if Dead did get some sort of rush out of decapitating that one, it does seem kinda different from that more pointed level of cruelty. Fascinated as ever by what they're doing moving forward!

Laura Moore

I won't say who comes back or doesn't, but eventually they do get some other main characters going (although Sam and Dean still carry it) and basically all of them are like what you were talking about, characters that were only planned for 1-3 episodes, but did a fantastic job and were so loved they became main cast

Rue Surnameunimportant

Some random thoughts. Fun fact that Jared has spoken on the possibility of Sam Winchester being played by someone else, and he specifies that he'd love Sterling to fill those shoes -- which Sterling also responded to positively. I'd be hella down for that tbh. Also I think the show was still in its early stages and was always intended to be "about Sam" but from the supporting character's perspective like Sam and Frodo? It's interesting cos it is ABOUT Sam but we don't really get much of his world unless he chooses to share it with Dean.


Ahhhh that's so cool! I love that sorta stuff haha. Really get the family vibe coming off this show the deeper we get into it.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:18:28 Oh damn.. that'd be fascinating! Even if just to see how they'd justify that haha. But I'm right there with ya - kinda wishing now that we could peer into the alternate timeline where that actually came to fruition 😅 And I can see that with the Sam & Frodo comparison a bit. And Sam kinda starts out as the audience cypher, at least for the initial parts of the show. Been enjoying how the characters have developed over these first couple seasons, though. It's kinda like if Sam & Frodo just kept on going after the One Ring lol.
2019-08-19 20:45:20 Oh damn.. that'd be fascinating! Even if just to see how they'd justify that haha. But I'm right there with ya - kinda wishing now that we could peer into the alternate timeline where that actually came to fruition 😅 And I can see that with the Sam & Frodo comparison a bit. And Sam kinda starts out as the audience cypher, at least for the initial parts of the show. Been enjoying how the characters have developed over these first couple seasons, though. It's kinda like if Sam & Frodo just kept on going after the One Ring lol.

Oh damn.. that'd be fascinating! Even if just to see how they'd justify that haha. But I'm right there with ya - kinda wishing now that we could peer into the alternate timeline where that actually came to fruition 😅 And I can see that with the Sam & Frodo comparison a bit. And Sam kinda starts out as the audience cypher, at least for the initial parts of the show. Been enjoying how the characters have developed over these first couple seasons, though. It's kinda like if Sam & Frodo just kept on going after the One Ring lol.