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Thanks to Mr. DAVID WATERHOUSE for this one!

As y'all know, we're not afraid to get a little candid every now and again.  And given some of the recent events going on in our lives, it seemed like a nice time to share a few thoughts on the matter - especially as a day of thanks and togetherness fast approaches.

What're some of the ways in which you guys confront & cope with grief?


David Waterhouse Request 2



Thanks so much for this video guys, and my condolences John, I had no idea so I apologise if that was painful for you to talk about. That video helped quite a bit to lift my spirits and just cathartic I suppose to hear. Spent the day with my daughter out in nature in the end so we made it a little day of celebration with the elements around us. There's always something peaceful and calming about the quiet of nature and we like exploring so it was fun, a nice celebration of her memory. Thank you too Greg for the compliment, we all have vulnerabilities no matter our circumstances, the strength and courage comes from acknowledging that fact and learning to turn them into attributes. For me it is trying to find the positive in everything as there is always one to be found if you look. That in turn seems to benefit others so I find it quite honourable of an endeavour if it helps to brighten someone's day, even if only for a minute

Loki Marcus

I guess I don't mind sharing this, since there isn't that many people here compared to youtube. But this video helped me, because recently I've been very emotionally conflicted. This is kind of awkward to say to strangers, but I'm mainly saying it because I trust Greg and John. Recently I've been mutually in love with the wrong girl. Which is a weird sentence to type out. We both have stated that we love each other, and we have been intimate recently, but she also happens to be in a relationship with a guy who is incredibly emotionally abusive and manipulative. And he will be moving back to our town in a week. This is awkward for many reasons, but it sucks incredibly hard for me because I feel trapped. I literally love this person with all my heart, and can't imagine myself leaving what we have, or stopping communication. However, a big part of me feels that I need to leave, for obvious reasons. I'm just incredibly emotionally trapped and it sucks. Other than escapes, such as video games and tv, the only thing right now that gives me authentic happiness is my writing and my characters. This whole situation is just such a challenge and i can't escape it in my thoughts for any longer than a few minutes at a time. Anyways, great video and advice. Love ya guys!

Loki Marcus

And this goes without saying, but John I am so sorry you are going through all of that. As you guys said, just allow yourself to feel how you feel about it and ride the grief out towards the light. :)

Loki Marcus

Sounds incredible. I love going on hikes whenever i can. I started leaving my earbuds at home when I do it to so I can truly take in the quietness of the forest. It's amazing how loud society truly is, we just push it all back as white noise.


No worries at all, brother! Really glad you enjoyed the video, overall. Pleased as well that we're able to take on topics like these and get a bit more "real," so-to-speak, from time to time. And it sounds like you guys had a lovely day out! It's always a treat to just get outdoors and be with nature - all the more, I'd imagine, when you're out bonding with the little one :) Glad it made for a nice little reverie. As for the compliments, you earn every ounce, good sir! Always brightens our day to hear from you and to engage in these kinds of discussion with you, whether it be here or through something like a video. You're an expressive, thoughtful guy, and you seem like you've got a solid knack for helping others into that place as well. So it seems you're doing well along your journey! Keep it up!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:24:45 Aw haha, no need to feel awkward. I'm glad you deem us worthy of your trust, we'll do our best to be right by it! Definitely sounds like a tough emotional situation to be in. Sympathize with you for sure, my brother. I think, ultimately, you'll know what you have to do, especially if she's not ready to give this up with him just yet. It may wind up difficult or painful (although, in the same breath.. y'never know), but either way we'll keep our fingers crossed for you. It's definitely a good thing you've got your outlets. Distractions are nice, but things like writing (and just creation in general) can be a really constructive way of working through things like this. Or at least honoring & channeling your feelings in a constructive way. Plus, even though these situations are difficult and exhausting, they're also vivid and will help you to write more and more nuanced characters & relationships. Make you a bit more world-weary in your approach to storytelling. And as much as it won't dull much of whatever immediate pain, do also try to keep in mind that no situation is forever. It'll suck for a little while (depending on how things go), but in time it'll start to ease up like a cramped muscle. Either way - sending you all the love & best wishes. Hoping things work out for the best and either way, appreciate you taking the time to open up and share with us. Hope you're doing well, mate! Much love!
2018-11-24 22:43:13 Aw haha, no need to feel awkward. I'm glad you deem us worthy of your trust, we'll do our best to be right by it! Definitely sounds like a tough emotional situation to be in. Sympathize with you for sure, my brother. I think, ultimately, you'll know what you have to do, especially if she's not ready to give this up with him just yet. It may wind up difficult or painful (although, in the same breath.. y'never know), but either way we'll keep our fingers crossed for you. It's definitely a good thing you've got your outlets. Distractions are nice, but things like writing (and just creation in general) can be a really constructive way of working through things like this. Or at least honoring & channeling your feelings in a constructive way. Plus, even though these situations are difficult and exhausting, they're also vivid and will help you to write more and more nuanced characters & relationships. Make you a bit more world-weary in your approach to storytelling. And as much as it won't dull much of whatever immediate pain, do also try to keep in mind that no situation is forever. It'll suck for a little while (depending on how things go), but in time it'll start to ease up like a cramped muscle. Either way - sending you all the love & best wishes. Hoping things work out for the best and either way, appreciate you taking the time to open up and share with us. Hope you're doing well, mate! Much love!

Aw haha, no need to feel awkward. I'm glad you deem us worthy of your trust, we'll do our best to be right by it! Definitely sounds like a tough emotional situation to be in. Sympathize with you for sure, my brother. I think, ultimately, you'll know what you have to do, especially if she's not ready to give this up with him just yet. It may wind up difficult or painful (although, in the same breath.. y'never know), but either way we'll keep our fingers crossed for you. It's definitely a good thing you've got your outlets. Distractions are nice, but things like writing (and just creation in general) can be a really constructive way of working through things like this. Or at least honoring & channeling your feelings in a constructive way. Plus, even though these situations are difficult and exhausting, they're also vivid and will help you to write more and more nuanced characters & relationships. Make you a bit more world-weary in your approach to storytelling. And as much as it won't dull much of whatever immediate pain, do also try to keep in mind that no situation is forever. It'll suck for a little while (depending on how things go), but in time it'll start to ease up like a cramped muscle. Either way - sending you all the love & best wishes. Hoping things work out for the best and either way, appreciate you taking the time to open up and share with us. Hope you're doing well, mate! Much love!


Appreciate that, bud. I'm taking it in stride, little by little. I think the trickiest part is not having much time to really sit with it and just process, but so it goes. All things considered, I think it went as well as it could've gone, so I'm grateful for that at the very least.