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Now this is one of those episodes that makes Attack On Titan motherflipping ATTACK ON TITAN!!! High stakes action sequences, emotional intensity, violence, sweeping animation - this is AWESOME!!!


Attack On 2x11 Charge Reaction


Ben-Shahan Marshall

Amazon is right you do only have one episode left of season 2. Season 3 is technically 25 episodes, however it only got 12 episodes in and they delayed the second half to April 2019. So its almost like a season 4 but they are still marketing it as season 3, you will probably be caught up before the second half is out of season 3 is out.


I say after next episode you should watch season 3 and hold off on the movies.

Loco Logic

I always say this episode was like Mad Max: Titan Road. Basically a super creative extended chase sequence with tons of meaningful character beats along the way. Easily one of my favorites.


Hi, first time commenting! About Bertholdt saying that Ymir stole their friend's titan power: in the last episode's flashback Ymir wanders outside the walls as a mindless titan for 60 years before Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and their friend (named as Marcel in a previous episode) accidentally come across her. After eating Marcel - who presumably also was a titan shifter since the three others were - Ymir transforms back in to a human and since then she's been able to turn in to a titan at will. Hope this clears things up a bit!


I am very interested in watching your reactions to the movies but season 3 begins right after 2 so I would think it's best to just jump right in to the next season beforehand. Plus there will be a gap to watch the movies while waiting for season 3.5


Great reaction vid! You should probably make a review on YouTube after you finish season 2. You might get more AOT fans to support you on patreon :)


Oh ssshhhiiiiit! Good to know. Thanks for the info man. Ah, I'm gonna finish Season 2 next week!


Yeah, that actually did come to mind. I've thought about that a couple of times with this show - this episode definitely has it!


Hi Tomi! Thanks for commenting, my friend :)) Oh whoa - I definitely did NOT pick up on that. Really appreciate your insight there, helps a lot!


I might wait till I finish the last half of Season 3 first. Cause it's more relevant, but I might change my mind on that haha. A lot of decision making on what to do can often flip flop lol


Armins plan was definitely to provoke them, since most of what he said was lies. Annie is still inside the crystal.


Yeah that's what I thought! Cause I was like "wait a minute".... I just wasnt sure but thanks for clearing that up!