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Hey guys!

First off, wanted to say thank you again to you guys who have pledged 50 or higher on our Patreon. It's one of the highest reward tiers and we know that each & every one of you has contributed your hard earned money to show your support & for us to fulfill your requests with that.

We do need to clarify, however, how the reward tier works (even though a couple weeks ago we did update it in the reward tier description box).

There are many of you who have been here for many months, and I'm pretty sure you have picked up on how this works.

The first few months, whenever someone pledged for this reward tier, we would encounter a situation where MANY TIMES we'd shoot that video request right away, do the edit & everything, even aim to have it up on Youtube then by the time the end of the month rolled around after the video was complete, the pledge wouldn't go through and we'd never hear from them again.

The way we operate is ALWAYS about fairness. That's why we limit it to one video per month (per pledge) & that's why we prioritize shooting, editing, & uploading the videos for those who's  pledges have already gone through to avoid situations of us putting in the work but not receiving the fair exchange.

Often times we still shoot the video, do an early edit, then put it up as Early Access here, then wait to finish the edit & upload it on youtube after the pledge goes through. 

Like I said, it's all about fairness, and a pretty good amount of people have this reward tier. Assembling a complete video, in general (when it's a REACTION/DISCUSSION) takes 2-3 hours on average from shooting, editing, creating thumbnails, and uploading. Of course, if it's not a Reaction I.E.  a topic to breakdown/discuss - that takes even longer to edit. Might not seem like a whole lot but we on average have anywhere from 10-20 people qualified for this reward tier, so it is a fair amount to keep track of & make sure we're honoring properly.

If you have any questions (especially if you have very recently pledged) we are happy to answer them, hope this clears everything up! It's just not possible to fit all this into a reward tier description lol.


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