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Don't look now, Patron-O-Jects, but it's time for another SUPERNATURAL SATURDAY!!

This week, Sam and Dean run afoul of a gnarly urban legend with a hook to grind...  what could go wrong?!

Join ussss!!!


Supernatural HOOK MAN



Gotta love supernatural Saturdays 😁


Happy Saturday!! The 14th season of this show actually premiered on Thursday so it was kinda jolting to jump back into the present plot from watching S1 every week. Poor Jared, his acting has come a long way. I will say that he has some great moments throughout the series! (duh, it's like 14 years worth of show lol he's gonna have one or two)

Elle B.

I love y’alls commentary! I always look forward to these. You may have missed it in the first few eps, but they mostly use fake credit cards to get around! Keeping it spoiler free —there’s a scene in the next episode that may or may not show how they get some cash. Lol And about the third editor you talked about...I would be more than ok with more supernatural!


Hahaha I was gonna say, I should hope so! Especially if they've run for so long. And I can imagine that'd be kinda both jarring and fascinating 😂 even on this end, it's crazy to be starting something that's been going SO long and that just had its new season premiere. We've a loooooong way to go, yet. Still, though, hope you're having fun with it, because we sure are!!


Aw, thank you so much, dear! Quite glad to hear that 😊 Haha perhaps we did miss that little detail, because that would make a bit more sense 😅 will definitely look out on the next one for that influx of cash, though. And duly noted haha, appreciate the feedback. That's the goal as of now is to have some extra hands on-board by November. Fingers crossed!! 🤞🏽🤞🏼


I really am having fun! It's something to look forward to as part of my weekend wind-down time. And it's cool to re-watch a show and characters I know so well through a fresh perspective. I'm noticing little details I didn't pick up the first or second time. I know the next episode is "Bugs". No spoilers of course, but I will say that some of the points you discussed in this video are in that episode.


Aw, I'm really happy to hear that! 😊 Glad we can help ya chillax a bit for the weekend as well as giving you an excuse to go back and grab all those little details! Definitely seems like this would be a fun show to go back and comb through. And that's what I hear haha. Something about where they get their money? Don't tell me haha, but definitely looking forward to it!!


Just binged all of your reactions and I'm totally using them as a reason to re-watch this show for the 10th time (well, seasons 1-5 at least). Season one is probably my favorite season, I love how dark it is and I like all of the lore they get into. Very excited to see what you guys think!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:27:21 Ooh haha, glad to give you an excuse to go back... again! Can definitely see the potential for re-watchability with this show. Probably gonna shoot another episode tomorrow - pretty excited to keep on going & especially digging when they bring in the folklore side. Perfect for Halloween time, too!! Glad to have you on our Supernatural journey!! 😊
2018-10-18 15:21:58 Ooh haha, glad to give you an excuse to go back... again! Can definitely see the potential for re-watchability with this show. Probably gonna shoot another episode tomorrow - pretty excited to keep on going & especially digging when they bring in the folklore side. Perfect for Halloween time, too!! Glad to have you on our Supernatural journey!! 😊

Ooh haha, glad to give you an excuse to go back... again! Can definitely see the potential for re-watchability with this show. Probably gonna shoot another episode tomorrow - pretty excited to keep on going & especially digging when they bring in the folklore side. Perfect for Halloween time, too!! Glad to have you on our Supernatural journey!! 😊