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Thanks for the question, Ben Shahan-Marshall!!!

What would you guys answer for this?!?!


What Movies; Shows; Books; Franchise has left the biggest impact on us?!



Probably the Infinity war movie because if y'all read the comic book it depicts Thanos as this ruthless and careless character along side his children should have been much scarier than they depicted in the movie and plus instead of a PG13 rating it should have been Rated R because of the characters that's my opinion.


The Star Wars franchise made the biggest impact on my life it’s the whole reason that I make LEGO films and do voice acting!

Loki Marcus

Other than my undying love for My Hero Academia, i'd say that the character who's left the most impact on me is Peter Parker( spiderman). Spiderman taught me as well as most people that with great power comes great responsibility. He also taught me that even though you are different or the normal kid that you can still be important and you can still be a hero. And most notably, he taught me that even if life keeps on knocking you down, you always get back up and you always follow your heart, as well as your ideals.


Oh damn. An R-rated Infinity War sounds like it'd be mad intense!! So would you say that's a franchise that left a big negative impact on you?


Now that makes a good amount of sense 😜that's awesome, though, man! I think a lot of folks are right there with you.


Definitely some good lessons there! I think Peter's a great one to discover especially from a younger age on up, because he is so relatable and the lessons he has to learn are pretty crucial to growing up. Good choice, mate!! :)


Yeah just on some of the characters they introduced especially Thanos's children.