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Hey guys!

So, we are fully caught up on some shows, and want to add SUPERNATURAL to the list.

The one show we're the most behind on that we've obviously not been to adamant about continuing is Jessica Jones Season 2.

Shows like that can take like 3-5 hours to shoot, chop up, and put online, but we noticed barely anyone was watching those reactions and no one has been hitting us up about to continuing it.

So, wanted to check with you guys directly! Do you think we should continue filming the reactions? VOTE!!!



Can't wait for Supernatural! One of my favorite shows!


Supernatural please! Thank you Sir 😁

Michael B.

I would say move on especially if it isn't something that you guys are too keen on and the audience is so small! I would definitely finish the season on your spare time. No need to stress over recording it for our sakes!


Supernatural all the way

Loki Marcus

Duuuude you guys will love supernatural. Imo it gets cheesy and stale after season 6 but it's still a great show. You'll have a lot of fun with it.

Loki Marcus

OMF Now I'm so excited to see their reactions for not just the whole show, but to season 3. Dude the hype!!


Appreciate it, mate! Looks like Greg finished it a week or so ago and, funny enough, wound up liking it. haha. I'll catch up on the last couple episodes at some point as well.


Heh. It's hard to keep a show running for 15-odd years without going through a lull or three at some point 😝definitely excited to start it though, since we've been hearing about it literally for years haha. We'll probably start sooner than later, so keep your eyes peeled!!