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Thanks for the question, MATTHEW FREY!!!

This was a fun vid to do because DAVID FINCHER is one of my all time faves...slight spoiler for the answer here haha

Keep a lookout for our post for July 2018 Q&A where you can leave a question and we'll do a video response.

In the meantime, what's your favorite David Fincher flick?!


Our Thoughts On David Fincher?!



Fincher is my top 3 fav directors of all time. The way he approaches stories and how he frames characters just speaks to me on a basic level. And I agree with Greg too, about knowing that FIncher look in his works. I think my fav films of his would be Seven . Fight Club and Social Network in that particular order. Tho Zodiac is also pretty darn good, Come to think of it he knows how to create slow burn films while still having massive success box office wise , thats a skill.


Right?? He's one of the few directors working right now who can still get people hyped up for a 3 hour movie haha. His films always feel very lived in, especially when it comes to characters and the way they fuel the stories around them. Have you seen any of Mindhunter? Especially if you like his darker, more serial-killer oriented stuff like Zodiac and Se7en, I think you might dig it!


While it's definitely not my favorite of his, I really do think The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is underrated. I love Mindhunter, he's supposedly waiting on World War Z 2 to do a second season of that which I'm honestly okay with. I am really interested in seeing his WWZ though.


Also I just thought I'd recommend a few more videos to watch. I'd say anything from Every Frame a Painting. They're all about film making, he as one on Fincher and his use of a camera. I'd also recommend history of the entire world, i guess. Definitely worth a watch. Thanks again for reacting.


I am waiting for bluray release,, whenever Netflix decides, lol. I heard it's pretty good too.

Jason Dolan

It's crazy that Fincher has only made 10 movies in almost 30 years

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:34:13 Right?? I was just marveling that while looking over his IMDb. Although he has done a TON of music video & short form stuff as well.
2018-07-05 18:50:52 Right?? I was just marveling that while looking over his IMDb. Although he has done a TON of music video & short form stuff as well.

Right?? I was just marveling that while looking over his IMDb. Although he has done a TON of music video & short form stuff as well.


Damn haha are they really not streaming it over there? I think it'll be worth the wait, tho. It's pretty well done and it's heavy on the character/psychological stuff.


Who knows? Maybe we just need to give it another try. And actually, I think that's an okay arrangement - having Mindhunter continue after WWZ2. Build up a good amount of anticipation for the new season in the meantime.. Fascinated to see his take on WWZ as well!


Appreciate your recommendations as well! Definitely familiar with Every Frame a Painting, but would like to see more. Not as familiar with History of the Entire World tho, so we'll be sure to have a look over there as well!


Oh no they are, but I am super obsessive when it comes to video/image quality when it comes to shows im interested lol. And its Fincher, so you know he brings his a game to visuals.

Elle B.

I’m so late on this—But Fincher is my favorite director. His attention to detail is unmatched and he has a pretty cool personality himself. He has a great sense of humor and like you said, he’s not self-indulgent. One thing I love about him is his ability to make the audience laugh during inappropriate or even dark scenes in a movie. Lol Se7en, Zodiac, The Social Network, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo are my favorites of his. You guys should watch the EveryFrameAPainting video on him (David Fincher - And Every Other Way Is Wrong) if you haven’t yet. So good!


No worries!! Better late than never, as they say! We'll have to add those to the queue! Love those kinds of film breakdown videos. Have you seen the Nerdwriter one on Fincher we watched a little while back?? Oddly enough, I don't think I've seen very many interviews or anything with him, but I'm pretty curious now haha. I love when a director can imbue the dark or heavy moments with just the right little flourish of humor. I keep fantasizing about carving out some time throughout the week to sit down and catch up on films and there are definitely a couple of his on that list. Hopefully soon!!

Elle B.

Yes! I’m actually the one that requested the nerdwriter video. Lol I’ve mostly listened to his commentary on his movies which to me is a great indicator of how and actor/director may be in real life. At least his list of filmography is pretty short!