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Well, this episode sure knocked me over a little bit...  definitely not gonna forget this one anytime soon.

Join me for one of the most intense episodes of the season (so far)!!!


Fullmetal Alchemist 110



I agree that this episode gives weight and some life impacting consequences to the world of FMA , like it kinda shows you or at least hints about that these characters do not have plot armor. But do you think Hughes death was earned? Like how it was dramatized and everything before his death was framed? Did it get to you? Cause personally for me it felt kinda rushed, I wished it had at least an episode focused on him and his family. But the thing with that is that you immediately assume it is a death flag, at least to me. Since its a trope in anime to show their characters in the best possible light or add context and depth via flashbacks before killing him or her. So idk, lol like I wanted a bit more character fleshing out while at the same time it could be too on the nose and forced? like my preference for stuff like this is, if the show is trying to give you the feels, make it worth it and earned, and do not just stick the knife , twist it, so the audience would get that it is a major character thing . But i just like emotionally draining and heart wrenching stuff if its earned

Elle B.

The soundtrack gives me nostalgic vibes too...I can’t place it really but the closest thing I can compare it to are the adventure movies and period pieces I grew up watching as a kid in the 90s. Some of the pieces are wonderous and magical, but others add to the intensity of the fight scenes or the gravity of the darker situations. Loved the point you made about the score giving you the feeling this is from another time.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:34:39 I can definitely see where you're coming from. I feel like there's kind of a double-edged sword with the handling of this one, because I think it partially gripped me because it was such a blindside? And that also added to the villainy at hand from Lust & Envy. Partly due to that (and just my general enjoyment of that character), I was pretty easily swept up in the immediate events, but I can also see how you'd be left wanting more to justify or at least lead into a moment like that. And there's also the fact that I just really wasn't expecting that character (or a character on that level) to go, especially so soon into the show. I'd say I definitely wish we'd gotten to spend a bit more time with him and see some further development before he went, but the immediate execution in this episode was sound for me - and I did appreciate the glimpses into his home life from the previous episode. All that said, now that I know that this kind of thing can happen and my perception of the amount of plot-armor has changed due to this, if they were to handle another prominent character's death that way, I might see through it differently, so I'll be curious to see how that goes, moving forward.
2018-06-28 23:45:05 I can definitely see where you're coming from. I feel like there's kind of a double-edged sword with the handling of this one, because I think it partially gripped me because it was such a blindside? And that also added to the villainy at hand from Lust & Envy. Partly due to that (and just my general enjoyment of that character), I was pretty easily swept up in the immediate events, but I can also see how you'd be left wanting more to justify or at least lead into a moment like that. And there's also the fact that I just really wasn't expecting that character (or a character on that level) to go, especially so soon into the show. I'd say I definitely wish we'd gotten to spend a bit more time with him and see some further development before he went, but the immediate execution in this episode was sound for me - and I did appreciate the glimpses into his home life from the previous episode. All that said, now that I know that this kind of thing can happen and my perception of the amount of plot-armor has changed due to this, if they were to handle another prominent character's death that way, I might see through it differently, so I'll be curious to see how that goes, moving forward.

I can definitely see where you're coming from. I feel like there's kind of a double-edged sword with the handling of this one, because I think it partially gripped me because it was such a blindside? And that also added to the villainy at hand from Lust & Envy. Partly due to that (and just my general enjoyment of that character), I was pretty easily swept up in the immediate events, but I can also see how you'd be left wanting more to justify or at least lead into a moment like that. And there's also the fact that I just really wasn't expecting that character (or a character on that level) to go, especially so soon into the show. I'd say I definitely wish we'd gotten to spend a bit more time with him and see some further development before he went, but the immediate execution in this episode was sound for me - and I did appreciate the glimpses into his home life from the previous episode. All that said, now that I know that this kind of thing can happen and my perception of the amount of plot-armor has changed due to this, if they were to handle another prominent character's death that way, I might see through it differently, so I'll be curious to see how that goes, moving forward.


Aw, thanks! 😊It definitely does that for me. I always appreciate when a score is able to find that sweet spot where it almost.. sneaks up on you? It's not in your face, exactly, but it's also not generic - mostly it's just complementing the action and the artwork, but it's also expressive enough to catch your ear if you're listening for it. That's the sweet spot, I think. Definitely reminds me of some things I'd have heard back in the 90s and around that time, that's a good call! And, as always, glad you're enjoying the vids!! :)


yeah, so i forgot to add the content you are seeing now was done in original 2003 FMA , they kinda rush past it with the first 10 or so episode in this one. I think that is my issue , even tho you can see this like a justification , i personally do not like it. And for new watchers like you i feel like they are doing a disservice by assuming most people who watch FMA B , watched the original too. But it is what it is, I remember they stop rushing once they are starting tackle new material from manga that was not in 2003 one.


Ahhh okay, that makes a good amount of sense, then. Is it worth going back to the original just to see some of these earlier beats and arcs played out with a bit more nuance and breathing room? Would certainly be curious to see how it's handled differently as I think that's a good point - about them just assuming that if you're watching Brotherhood, then you must've seen the original..