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Where do y'all think the Indiana Jones franchise should go next??


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Indy Q&A


Neeraj Krishnan

The Vietnam war was in 60's. So could do something related to that. Pretty sure South East Asia has a lot of mythological /archeological history behind it. Could be a continuation of the Crystal Skull ,in terms of fighting the Russians.

Ron Harrison

How about Indy trying to retrieve the gifts of the three wise men. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

David Gandy

I know “prequel” isn’t popular word to associate with Lucasfilms but when I think about adding the IJ uni I wonder if a trilogy can be made set in the ‘20’s showing how Indy got from where the TV series left off to the man we find in Raiders….For me being set pre WW2 adds to the IJ mystique when there was so much still unknown in the world and much more mystery. WW2 added so much knowledge and advancement in technology, (not to mention further loss in humanities innocence with the war itself), Indy seems to me to be out of place in a world of nuclear power/weapons, jets and rockets, satellites/U2 spy planes, computers, lasers, radar/sonar, etc. Which is why Kingdom didn’t work for me from the get go. And with Lucasfilms handling of the Star Wars franchise maybe have Marvel handle or co-make.


Now that actually sounds like a pretty good idea! Kinda reminds me of Neill Blomkamp's Firebase short, just would readjust the tone and style to suit Indy's universe... not bad!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:35:27 Not bad! Keeping in theme of the sacred religious artifacts along with the Ark of the Covenant & Holy Grail, I hadn't thought of that. Plus could make for a pretty sprawling adventure if each of the 3 was scattered somehow over time..
2018-06-12 19:43:09 Not bad! Keeping in theme of the sacred religious artifacts along with the Ark of the Covenant & Holy Grail, I hadn't thought of that. Plus could make for a pretty sprawling adventure if each of the 3 was scattered somehow over time..

Not bad! Keeping in theme of the sacred religious artifacts along with the Ark of the Covenant & Holy Grail, I hadn't thought of that. Plus could make for a pretty sprawling adventure if each of the 3 was scattered somehow over time..


That's a great point regarding the mystique and all the leaps forward in terms of technological advancement after WW2. The word "prequel" does bring a sorta tension with it these days, but especially being that we've seen young Indy before and with the episodic nature of the adventures, I think that could actually be really cool. Seems like you've stumbled on one of the essential elements of the character/series which is the mystery and wonder of the world and its various cultures and artifacts. Bringing it back to a more-mysterious, less-advanced time while also immersing us in a new decade for Indy would be pretty awesome... now the only other question is do we cast Alden Ehrenreich or not? 😂