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Hereditary MOVIE REVIEW!!!


Jason Dolan

The best movie of the year so far

Jason Dolan

My buddy was the DP - I am so proud

Heather Crisford

This is rated 15 over here and I was thinking about taking my stepdaughters- the youngest is 15 and I can’t really decide if it’d be too much for her in the cinema.... what do you think? Is it the kind of film that’s really going to disturb a teenager or are they likely to have a good time do you think?

Jason Dolan

I would advice against that, unless they have seen The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby and are cool with those movies

Jason Dolan

More on Alex Wolff... watch My Friend Dahmer - same DP as Sidney Hall

Jason Dolan

As someone who is never scared - this movie is going to take 15 episodes of Community to get my mind right again


I assume that one specifically horrifying moment you referred to was in Charlie and Peter's drive. At least that was the scene that hit me the hardest (almost as hard as a telephone pole to the head).


I'd say so! One of the ones that's been itching away at my mind all week since we saw it. Think I might have to go for round 2... 🤔


Damn haha, I bet! The cinematography is beautiful and incredibly composed. Seems like you've got a knack for knowing all the talented people haha


I think Jason might be on the right track with this one, but hard to say.. it's got a pretty deliberate pace and a high amount of twisted, dramatic intensity. Not a funhouse with a lot of jumps like an Insidious movie or something like that. It's horrifying in a really visceral, emotionally resonant kind of way (and one of the main characters is in high school) so I can certainly see it being a bit on the intense end of the spectrum for them.. buuuut as Jason said, if they've seen and appreciated/weren't phased by films like The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby, it's definitely worth checking out!


Ahhh, wanted to see that back when it first came out, but sadly didn't get a chance. Knowing this, though, we'll bump it up the list!


Thaaaaaaat would be the sequence 😅 one of the most memorable, just straight-visceral reaction moments I've had in a film like that lately. Had my hands up and my jaw wrenched open for the next several minutes. It was around that time that I started to realize I had nooo real idea which way a lot of this was gonna go haha.


Unfortunately this particular movie experience kinda left me with a sour taste. But it's all my fault, I did the one thing you're not supposed to do which is I got really hyped and went in with certain expectations. I was obsessed with Hereditary since I saw the first trailer many months ago and then when the reviews started coming out and calling it a "shock film" I really couldn't contain my excitement. I keep forgetting that with the amount of shock material I have consumed over the years, my idea of a shocking film isn't the same as everyone else's. The same happened with that one scene in Neon Demon that everyone was like "I can't believe they went there". I got hyped and then was disappointed by how tame it was. Anyway, point is I'm sorry I let my expectations ruin this movie experience. I wish I could have enjoyed it for what it was which was a pretty masterful atmospheric piece. The use of sound design and framing to build tension really reminded me of one of my favs from the past decade, The Blackcoat's Daughter. Just curious if you guys have seen it and what you thought of it if you did. Also hiiii, I'm new here 😀. U guys are really fun to watch and I'm glad I finally made the decision to support the channel here too.


Hi Alexa!!! So happy you're here, you seem very sweet & appreciate the honest feedback!!! Totally get you on this film - and once the hype train began rolling in on this film, it became very apparent to us (before even watching it) that this would be a film that would not fly by well with audiences. It's from A24, who did the Witch, so we got almost exactly what we expected, and then some lol. It really only had 1 truly shocking moment ... you know the shocking moment everyone talks about lol.... but with the way marketing is done to try & snag general audiences, they'll tweak their trailers to make it look like a swift thrill ride, but we expected a character based super slow burn. Yeah, the "shock" factor is not very present and I didn't really hear much about it. Whenever there's a horror movie that gets good reviews, they always slap on the trailers quotes of critics saying "THE SCARIEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME" which we've just learned to not let get to us haha.