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Aloha, Patron-O-Jects! 

Last month was a lot of questions - WHICH WE LOVED!!!! - so let's keep them questions rolling for June!

Leave your question in the comment box, once we hit the LIKE button or that means we've shot a video for it :)

Looking forward to it!



Who are your celebrity crushes? Mine is pretty much a tie between Scarlett Johansen and Zooey Deschanel.

Mikael Lindén

What should the next Indiana Jones movie be about? Vikings?, Atlantis?, Aliens?, or something els?

Jamie Smith

Why did you change your name from Ryan right to Greg alba and why does your brother Jaby have a different last name. Was there an explanation video or was it for a personal reason. If so I don’t mind if you don’t answer this question as personal stuff should be kept to our selfs if wanted


Which critically acclaimed director are you not a fan of?

Neeraj Krishnan

If none of the current digital platforms existed(Like youtube or twitch),what would you guys be doing instead ?


If you had three wishes with no restrictions what would they be?

Heather Crisford

If you could insert yourself into the main cast of any movie (past or future) what would it be?


Are there any films that disappointed you that you'd like to see a remake of, if so what would be your dream director, actors, etc ?


Antoine Fuqua's Scarface "remake" or "reboot" (or whatever the fuck you wanna call it) was supposed to star Diego Luna, but after production was constantly delayed it now looks like Luna won't be in it. Personally I don't think Luna would have been that good anyway. Who do you think would make a great Tony Montana if Luna can't do it? I know who I'd pick and when you read the name you might have trouble thinking of a better option because it's too perfect: OSCAR ISAAC

Elle B.

Do you guys ever go see stage plays/performances? Do you enjoy them? Would you like to see more?

David Gandy

Hi guys; with the ever increasing advancement in digital technologies to create hyper realistic CGI humans in film, what are your thoughts in past away actors or totally created actors being cast for rolls in otherwise live action films? (I am thinking along the lines of non SciFi/Fantasy/Comic Book movies).


Favourite Video Game within the last 5 years lets's say & why??

Ron Harrison

Pretend there was an Academy Award for best comedy. Of all comedies ever released, which comedies would be nominated for the one awards show and which comedy would win?

Jamie Smith

I know I already asked you a question but I was a work yesterday and because I’m at the point that i don’t care if they fire me I accidently had an extra 30 mins on my break thinking about: if Jaby is a Patreon for you are you a Patreon for him and if so is it the same amount because aren’t you losing and gaining $0 from eachother. No idea why I was thinking about that but my job is crap and it was bugging me your welcome.


What are your thoughts on David Fincher as a director and creator?


top 5 pokemon for y’all? (if y’all are pokémon fans)