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This week, we find Edward and Alphonse on a fact-finding mission to decipher the clues left to them by Dr. Marcoh...

Plus we meet a new character with a photographic memory!

Join meee!!


Fullmetal 7



Maybe because I just watched another show and maybe because this episode was more about discovery and exposition . But i found the way some of these characters were telling us the information felt kinda clunky? Like the bit with Lust at the bridge or the two officers overlooking the brothers. IDK , maybe its the more profesional(sterile?) delivery of English VA? I know in every of these watch alongs I am nit picking this show, but I am having fun to just go down the nostalgia road and FMA B being a good show helps it too.


Haha no worries, man! It's not like you're in here just shitting on the show every week or something like that. And it helps me to look out for things in the future and sharpen my eye for this stuff, so thank you for the feedback! It's interesting watching the dub with the subtitles because you can sorta see where the translations change and all that. There was definitely a fair amount on-the-nose dialogue in this one, some of which I forgave given the research necessitated by the story, but especially in those moments with Lust and between Ross and Brosh, I can see where you're coming from. The thought actually crossed my mind that perhaps that's part of why this particular episode seems to incorporate so many of the more kinetic, sorta humorous visual elements - to sorta make up for that with the tone and the energy. I think that's why I wasn't bothered by it so much, but I think it's definitely a fair criticism.


I think I sometimes forget that's it's a show that's targeting younger audiences, so there needs to be some concessions to be made when delivering particular information via characters. And it's not beating you over the head with non important stuff, so that's good too.


Also a good a point! I enjoy writing dialogue, so ideally I'd always want it to be natural, but on the same token I think I'll always be a little more forgiving when it's pertinent info and it's clear there's a lot to get to or something like that (and when it's not the ONLY kind of dialogue for the majority of an episode haha). Case by case, though. There are certainly some offenders out there. 😅