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"Rain of Sorrows" is the name of this episode, which I suppose is fitting as I watched it on an overcast afternoon!

We pick up not altogether far from where we left off...  What happens if & when Scar stumbles upon Edward and Alphonse?

Join me 'n find out!!


Fullmetal 1x5


Elle B.

This series makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. Like the landscapes almost remind me of old school disney animation because the backgrounds do truly look like a painting. I’m excited for you to meet winry! I also like what you said about the team around Ed and Al. That’s one of my favorite aspects of the series is the bonds they build between all these characters. Just FYI, the opening theme changes 4 more times during the series. It changes after every dozen or so episodes. It will be different starting episode 15 (part 2 ep2). And the Alchemy explanation goes away after part 1! So i recommend sticking with it! Lol


I can definitely see why this would give you a sort of nostalgic feeling. The animation has a similarly tangible quality, I think. Definitely takes me back a little bit also when I'm watching it. That, combined with the period too, perhaps? And yesss! It hit me this'll be the first time we see Winry in the present day! Definitely excited for that. 😊 And I'm glad to hear that about the supporting characters! Was actually a nice surprise (and a good memory test) realizing that the alchemists are sort of their own recurring ensemble. Makes sense haha, I just wasn't anticipating it, I guess? Sorta makes the team all feel like a family. Appreciate the heads up re: the theme songs as well! Been hearing a lot of shows change them periodically, so I'll be sure to keep an eye out every 12-or-so episodes :) I imagine what I may wind up doing is bypassing some of them and then including them again each time they change or something... Anyhow, appreciate your feedback as always! Can't wait to hop into the next one!! 😊


So the bit about episodic structure . Majority of anime usually has narrative throughline and arcs. Episodic stuff usually happens in the beginning for shounen/action genre just to establish characters and overall tone of the show and after a season or less it goes into its main arc or arcs. For genres like comedy and slice of life drama episodic structure is a lot more common due to how they handle story and characters and how the general pacing works for those genres. I think its one of the main draws for anime, that the stories has arcs and just overall focused and strong main throughline , so usually you follow main characters step by step and see their growth . Or at least some kind of character progression , at least in good shows . There are shows that do the opposite ,that subvert genre tropes and deconstruct archetypes but those are pretty damn rare in anime and usually they are highly regarded. Lol, i started ranting! Anyway glad you are enjoying it!


Haha no worries! A good rant can be a sign of passion 😉 I appreciate the info! Actually, one of the coolest things about this journey here on Patreon has been getting to learn more about the different aspects of the medium from you guys! Makes sense, that approach to the structure. I can certainly sense why it's so appealing, does seem like it makes for a smoothly-escalating story. Although I'm not gonna lie - I would definitely be interested to check out some of those rare, more subversive ones sometime. Maybe when I've got a little more under my belt haha, but I always love seeing a genre deconstructed and twisted on itself. Appreciate your feedback as always and thanks again for checkin' out the vid!! 😊