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HEY GUYS! Gonna take the time later on today to catch up on messages & comments, but right now would LOVE IT if you guys could help us with doing our Q&A Video response segments for January!

We truly love doing these videos, so if you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave it in the comment box :) Once we hit the ❤️ that means we've shot a video for it!



If you had to erase one franchise from both memory and existence which one. Star Wars or MCU? Waiting til after infinity war is not an acceptable answer haha. Have fun.

Elle B.

Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?


Here's a few to pick and choose: 1) Who inspires each of you to be a better person? 2) Whats the best part about living together? 3) What irrational fears do you have? 4) Do you guys have any physical scars, and do you have any stories behind them?


Greg what was it like being on It's Always Sunny? Did you talk to any of the gang?


If you could make any movie right now what would it be?


What movies have you been most disappointed by after having high expectations when watching the trailer and/or what movies did you expect not to like based on the trailer but were pleasantly surprised by?

Adelia Chamberlain

Now that you've seen most of the Oscar bait movies, any Oscar predictions? Best Actor/Actress, Best Picture, etc.


Do either of you cook or bake? If so, what's your specialty or just something you generally enjoy making?


Have you ever watched a movie going in completely blind having not watched any of the trailers or reading anything about it? If so, what was your favorite movie?


Which movies of the 21st century do you believe will be regarded as classics in the future? Some of my picks are The Dark Knight and Inception.


what were your top 5-10 comedy movies of 2017?


Curious of your overall thoughts on Eminem's Revival,if you had the chance to listen to it?Favorite songs maybe?


Currently listened to a few songs. Gonna listen to the whole album over the next couple days and we'll do a video response on your question!


I keep reading about fans wanting a Snyder cut of the Justice League movie. Do you guys think such a movie even exists? Also, in general, what do you think about going back and editing movies later on? (Such as the added CGI to the original Star Wars.)


What are some things from childhood that bring back strong nostalgia to you both today? (Films/Food/TV Shows/Toys/Places/Music/Games)