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We live in SoCal and the fires have not been far away from us! So it was nice to see a kind act of humanity take place :)


Man risks life to save wild rabbit during SoCal wildfire - REACTION!!!

We live in SoCal and the fires have not been far away from us! So it was nice to see a kind act of humanity take place :)


Heather Crisford

I have 3 rescue bunnies but not from a massive wildfire so kudos to him....I really hope he didn’t throw it back and/or eat it though, cos that would change the tone dramatically (!) I’m pretty devastated by the impact on wildlife the fire is having, massive respect to everyone helping them.


haha I doubt he did. I think John might've been speaking about a separate story that he got confused (he tends to do that lol) Yeah the wildfire has been spreading like crazy in California! So many of them still going on